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Adam's apple weighs in! Breitfart and Coultergeist, two of the hatemongers who would champion the hackers, and probably behind the job. After all, Weiner is a provocatuer against the Rethugs and quite successful at making thuglicans look pretty damn stooooopid on the House floor. It was only a matter of time before sophomoric with a definite thuglican stamp created a fake scandal based on the double entendre of his namesake. This has MORON written all over it, so it HAS be a Breitfart concoction....
In response to:

Hollywood Is Only 'Friends' with Liberals

snerdly Wrote: Jun 02, 2011 12:57 AM
Hahaha.....ha....meh. I think you guys need to get a grip on your love of the male organ shaped shiny keys. I know you love your penistalk, but seriously -- when the shills manage to distract you from the realities of your Party's treachery by using your latent homosexuality, you've got to admit there's some serious issues in your teabaggin' community.
Speaking of adam's apple, when will Coulter weigh in? I know she likes talking junk, except when it turns to her own....
Latent. Homosexual. homer the ignoble is liking all this weener talk. Hence the Teabagger label does indeed fit quite nicely.
How about your favorite: Cow.
Speedo and Socal -- Little schoolboys getting their pants in a bunch over 'weener' talk. Can't you two go find a bathhouse and be done with it?
Straight from the golden phallus, I see. You have Obama in two years adding 9.3 trillion - typical ignoramus gakking point pulled from Limbaugh hefty behind. Try the other way around, moron. Bush screwed us over and your brain on Fuxed News has been programmed to insert Obama into that starring role. You are a damned idiot.
Chill out, we know you secretly love lewd weenie talk manufactured out of hateful pranks by deviants like Breitfart and his band of roving perverts. Your feigned righteous rant only shows what a total chump you are.
I embrace teh gays, Speedo. I just Loves the fact that you clowns fight it, denounce it, punish it and yet loves you some junk talk. If there were a townhall.bathhouse you boys could all skulk into after a nice hearty male sex organfest, you'd be FABulously happy.
WIngnut logic: Say everything you disagree with is wrong, based solely on nothing more than being an idiot. God help us.
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