OTS0193 / 01.08.2011 / 15:40 / Channel: Politik / Aussender: Seniorenbund
Stichworte: Europa / Menschenrechte / Senioren / Soziales / Weißrussland

Resolution by the European Senior Citizen's Union - BILD

Utl.: Set the Belarus political prisoners free! =

Resolution by the European Senior Citizens Union = vergrößern

OBS0009 5 II 0025 01.Aug 11

BILD zu OTS - Participants in the ESCU's annual summer academy

  • Fotograf: Österreichischer Seniorenbund
  • Fotocredit: Österreichischer Seniorenbund
  • Ort: Österreich / Wien

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   Vienna (OTS) - The European Senior Citizen's Union, a member
association of the European People's Party and representing 1,3
million senior citizens in 27 countries, strongly denounces all acts
of oppression exercised by the Belarus regime against its own
citizens as they peacefully demonstrate for freedom, democracy and
human rights.
   Assembled in Vienna we, the participants in the ESCU's annual
summer academy, have manifested our full support of Belarus democracy
activists by a symbolic clap of hands. By doing so we wish to express
our demand for,
- The immediate and unconditional release of all political prisoners
  in Belarus;
- The complete stop to the Belarus authorities' breaking-up of
  peaceful democracy demonstrations, including the police's
  harassment, beating and jailing of human rights activists;
- The full right for the people of Belarus to organize themselves
  for peaceful and democratic political and civil society
  activities, including the right to establish senior citizens'
  organizations for the promotion of elderly people's interests;
- The freedom of press, radio and TV;
- Fair and just elections.
   Österreichischer Seniorenbund
   Mag. Michael Schleifer
   Tel.: 01/40126/154
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