Townhall Video   Barbra Walters Compares Sarah Palin to Congressman Weiner

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dsg Wrote: Jun 08, 2011 9:09 PM
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anonymous Wrote: Jun 08, 2011 12:50 PM
Richard, go lie back down before you hurt yourself.
Lastinline Wrote: Jun 08, 2011 12:15 PM
I think a much closer comparison would be Barbara Walters to Nancy Pelosi.
So what happens when if we find out the unknown 'girls' Weiner was tweeting were actually Barney Frank and Larry Craig?
Richard Wrote: Jun 08, 2011 10:56 AM
Comparing Weiner to The Wasilla Quitta - hasn't Weiner been insulted enough?

Wonder what our North Korean allies think of all this......
Angel Wrote: Jun 08, 2011 9:43 AM
Sarah Palin, first and foremost, is a Bible-believing Christian, who loves her Lord Jesus Christ. This alone scares those who deny Jesus Christ. And it should scare them, because they know, in their spirits, that they deserve Hell for denying God's Only Son, Jesus Christ, who died for them on that cruel cross, and who was raised from the dead- in Glory!!! But, they hide their beliefs behind crude comments. In essence, they know they deserve Hell when they die, but they don't care-- NOW!!! They will care... LATER, but, for them it may be too LATE! Sarah's FAITH disturbs the demons controlling their spirits.
Chad Wrote: Jun 08, 2011 12:28 PM
Amen sister, but there's a bright light and it is that satan was defeated at the cross, we're covered by the blood and have power over principlalities of darkness. The enemy has but a short time left.
Joseph Wrote: Jun 08, 2011 8:52 PM
You know what Angel, I believe you have something here. I have thought this for quite awhile now. That's why I don't know if Governor Palin would win a Presidential election because of the America public and their fear of what she might bring to the table. You are correct too about, They will care later but it will be too late then. No crying or screaming for forgiveness. No calling out the aclu because they think this is unfair. No judge is gonna acquit you because you weren't read your rights. In the end, it's all gonna be brought out and every knee shall bow. Every knee, Barbara walters. My wife and I will still vote for Sarah is she decides to run.
Aposematic Wrote: Jun 08, 2011 6:57 AM
Four whacked out crazy loons (Democrats) one pretend conservative (Republican) and the TV Media's daytime hour of make believe Democrats good, Republicans bad. If it were not for the Right Media, this tree falling in the forest would never be heard by anyone/anything outside of the squirrels.
gina Wrote: Jun 08, 2011 12:23 AM
BaBaWaWa is nothing but a dried up old irrelevant hag. The question is will the empty-headed Couric replace her on The Pugh?
anonymous Wrote: Jun 07, 2011 8:21 PM
wow joy i didnt think you had it in you, and babs you need to retire your getting more senile by the day. do us all a favor go find a hobby maybe you can be wieners advisor you both deserve each other
Gary Wrote: Jun 07, 2011 8:14 PM
There isn't enough intellectual capacity around that table to hold a 30 second conversation with a grade schooler. Mindless twits
Angie Wrote: Jun 07, 2011 7:54 PM
Did we expect anything less from Barbara Walters - the left media keep on making fools of themselves the more they talk. I am totally shocked Joy Behar defended Palin????
George Wrote: Jun 07, 2011 7:46 PM
Really? Isn't this the same rancid gash who bragged about carrying on an affair with a married man?
Michael Wrote: Jun 08, 2011 5:02 AM
He was a very poor quality man if that is the case. It's hard to believe that anyone is that hard up.
downtherabbithole Wrote: Jun 07, 2011 7:24 PM
Klim Wrote: 1 hours ago (6:10 PM)
Barbra Walters is a TWIT, pure and simple! She admitted to having an extra-martial affair with a former Massachusetts Senator, years ago, and that is just an example of her morals or lack thereof
I seem to remember she also has admitted to sleeping her way to the get ahead in her profession.
downtherabbithole Wrote: Jun 07, 2011 7:27 PM
Correction .........make that, admitted to sleeping her way to get ahead in her profession.
Rowdy Wrote: Jun 07, 2011 7:12 PM
Barbara Walters and her gang of Idiot Lib Moronic dimwit women, have absolutely no credibility with any normal person...


downtherabbithole Wrote: Jun 07, 2011 7:08 PM
Weiner was married by Bill Clinton? ........Well, that explains a lot!!
Tim Wrote: Jun 07, 2011 6:44 PM
Palin is not electable. I want someone who is at the top of the ticket. She can do great things from the sidelines.
The liberals have accomplished one thing since 2008...demonize Palin. All important issues that need to be addressed have been placed in liberal hell.

Liberals are absent of logical thought.
Truncheon Wrote: Jun 07, 2011 7:10 PM
Tim writes: "Palin is not electable."

Keep beating that drum, always fun to watch media message zombies grunting out their programmed, monotone response.

"Brains....brains....not electable....brains....not electable....brains......."
Truncheon Wrote: Jun 07, 2011 7:12 PM
Tim writes: "The liberals have accomplished one thing since 2008...demonize Palin."

And your chump arsed, weenie, fagmo response to that is to cave in? You know, rather than defend the innocent? Remind me never to invite Tim to a fight ... or a ball team ... or even a flag football game ... or badminton for that matter ... or tiddlywinks ....
Klim Wrote: Jun 07, 2011 6:10 PM
Barbra Walters is a TWIT, pure and simple! She admitted to having an extra-martial affair with a former Massachusetts Senator, years ago, and that is just an example of her morals or lack thereof. If you listen to her for guidance and morals, you are going down a deep and dark path of evil. Good people recognize good and evil when they see, hear and smell it!
Chemurgic Wrote: Jun 07, 2011 5:54 PM
According to a news article about a new ABC News/Washington Post poll, "Almost two-thirds of all Americans say they 'definitely would not' vote for Palin for president. She is predictably unpopular with Democrats and most independents, but the new survey underscores the hurdles she would face if she became a candidate: 42 percent of Republicans say they’ve ruled out supporting her candidacy. " (See:

That 42 percent figure is encouraging for those of us who would like to once again have a rational, well-functioning two-party system, Instead of a dysfunctional mess in which one party is remarkably ineffectual and the other is dominated by loons and plutocrats. But given Palin's obvious shortcomings, we still have to wonder why the figure isn't closer to 80 or 90 percent.
bobbit Wrote: Jun 07, 2011 6:25 PM
You're right Cher... the Republican party is remarkably ineffectual.
Lawrence Wrote: Jun 07, 2011 7:52 PM
You're right, bobbit,...... the Democratic Party "is dominated by loons and plutocrats."
anonymous Wrote: Jun 07, 2011 8:36 PM
i dont believe any of that junk , polls mean nothing to me, if you do you home work youll see it is democratic leaning polls, and i know the white house is putting out these numbers they will only give good numbers to people they can beat, and we all know how affraid they are of sarah, if they didnt fear her they wouldnt go out of there way to attack her, and about republicans for being so smart they seem to always pick a dead horse, and independents didnt they vote for obama so blame them not sarah
Tessa Wrote: Jun 08, 2011 8:03 AM
Goodness gracious if she is soooo "unelectable" why are they spending one minute, one second, one nano second on an unelectable person.

I beg to differ with you, I think she is very electable and it scares the demoncrats to death to think that we would have a girl from Wasilla beat the crap out of a boy from Kenya, Hawaii, Chicago, India (where the >>>is he from - who knows anymore)
Tessa Wrote: Jun 08, 2011 8:04 AM
He isn't a true blue USA. Now don't call me a birther because I don't care about where he was born, I just care about where he was born again - marxist to the truest form.

Thanks America for giving us a Keynisian failure for a president - we will pay the price for this one for many decades
Southwest Gal NM Wrote: Jun 07, 2011 5:37 PM
Little will aks why are people slobbering all over the Weiner story - it's probably because the majority of everyday normal American Citizens don't go around acting like this bozo did - and also because they are getting a good laugh out of it at Weiner's expense (his own fault).

Therefore, it is fodder for the gossip mills. But the fact that this imbecile put not only himself, but his colleagues in Congress, our military and our country in jeopardy by his actions is a serious scandal.

WHY?? Because he set himself up that he could have been blackmailed by someone or a foreign country for information or data. Remember, Weiner's wife works for Hillary Clinton, Secretary of State. Now if you don't think that holding something like that over someone's head to use that is not possible, go back and research your history on John F. Kennedy and his many affairs - one of them was a Mob head's girlfriend. The FBI got involved with it back then in order to keep JFK from being stupid or endangering our country.

Now plug in your old brain and just think of all the possible scenarios that could be played out on a board game like that, if you dare.
Rowdy Wrote: Jun 07, 2011 7:14 PM
Anthony Wiener

Barney Frank

Is this a joke? You cant write this stuff!
Juseff Wrote: Jun 08, 2011 1:33 AM
They could name their kid Anthony Barney Frank'nWeiner....
Tessa Wrote: Jun 08, 2011 8:05 AM
Keep the change Wrote: Jun 07, 2011 5:34 PM
This same moron sexting his bare Johnson to a college coed (while married) on his congressional Blackberry and phoning SEXING from one way US House of Reps phones has spent 2 years DEMANDING that we follow his moronic ideas of national medicine to excess. I sure hope he doesn't step down too soon. We aren't done laughing at him and his sycophant "followers". Let it pour Weiner! You freakish toad.
Southwest Gal NM Wrote: Jun 07, 2011 5:56 PM
I would say that Weiner has done an excellent job of bending over and f ----ing himself but good. He has no one to blame but himself. The people of his district should send him packing and so should his wife.
Arby Wrote: Jun 07, 2011 5:32 PM
Thirty years ago, people may have cared what Barbara Walters thinks. No one cares today. Barbara is so yesterday. She has overstayed her place at the table and needs to step aside. She has no credibility and no class. All she has is a speech impediment which is not attractive. Time for you to go, Barb.
Southwest Gal NM Wrote: Jun 07, 2011 5:53 PM
Arby, It's those ill-fitting false choppers of hers that cause that speech impediment now - you'd think with her money she could afford better fitting ones. HA HA
Bernie Wrote: Jun 07, 2011 5:14 PM
Barbara Walters is an idior nobody ever said that crew on The View were brain children.
brokklynsblessed1 Wrote: Jun 07, 2011 5:05 PM
Join w/ us Brooklynites..from all over the US!
Give the little cheater something to weep about/quitting & phone the creep:

Washington, D.C. Office
2104 Rayburn HOB
Washington, DC 20515

Kew Gardens Office
80-02 Kew Gardens Rd.
Suite 5000
Kew Gardens, NY 11415

Brooklyn Office
1800 Sheepshead Bay Rd.
Brooklyn, NY, 11235

Rockaway Office
90-16 Rockaway Beach Blvd.
Rockaway, NY 11693
Southwest Gal NM Wrote: Jun 07, 2011 5:12 PM
Must be working, bb, no one is answering his phones in the office and all of his mail boxes are full. Wonder if he is hiding under his desk or in the closet? ha ha
brokklynsblessed1 Wrote: Jun 07, 2011 6:27 PM
Naw his wife is Hillary's "body" so she's away w/ her w/ a NY POST reporter following them..and when she's away that little weiner comes out.....
Southwest Gal NM Wrote: Jun 07, 2011 6:37 PM
Makes sense to me, bb. His wife should send him packing for the turdbucket he is.
Keep the change Wrote: Jun 07, 2011 5:35 PM
This idiot has 4 offices? No wonder we are broke. Too many weiner stands
Rowdy Wrote: Jun 07, 2011 7:15 PM

Four Offices?

That means he must have more women that will come out of the woodwork!

I see it coming....
Sonny Wrote: Jun 07, 2011 5:04 PM
This is coming from a woman that writes a tell all book, and outs Edward Brooke whom she had had an affair with, and the man is still alive and married. Barbara Walters is just another in a long line of slobbering Bolshevik parrots.
way2smart4u Wrote: Jun 07, 2011 5:00 PM
Many of the pundits have wondered aloud what would be happening now if Wein wein were a Republican. Well, there would have been a resignation the day after that tweet -- before any of the other stuff came to light. BUT WHAT ABOUT THIS? What if it were a woman sending lude photos of herself? most would think such a woman was a s1ut. And they would be right. This type behavior is so base, how can anybody think a guy like Anthony Wein wein is qualified to serve as a United States Representative? Ween is what he is, a low-crawling w o r m. (I've had to doctor spelling of some words because I was cited for "Inappropriate laguage"! Imagine that.
Robert G Wrote: Jun 07, 2011 5:39 PM
He's also a big-spending Liberal Dumbocrat
will Wrote: Jun 07, 2011 4:58 PM
This was not all that crazy . Barbara said if Sarah Palin can ride around in her bus and screw up american history by pulling facts out of her butt, then Weiner could survive a twitter scandel.

I wish poeple on this site were more clear-thinking and stopped running around like chickens with their heads cut off every time a sex scandel rouses you up.
Sonny Wrote: Jun 07, 2011 5:13 PM
When you are a slobbering Bolshevik parrot like yourself, "more clear thinking" is not one of your best attributes. Barbara Walters is a miserable human being, she wrote a tell all book, outing Edward Brooke, whom she had a long time affair with, and the man is still alive and married, Walters walks around wearing that fact like it's a trophy, just another slob on the left that hasn't a clue what decency is all about.
Robert G Wrote: Jun 07, 2011 5:41 PM
She also knows nothing about being an American.
Chemurgic Wrote: Jun 07, 2011 6:05 PM
"She also knows nothing about being an American."

Because of course the only REAL Americans are the kind who share their reactionary sentiments at a website like this one.
JeannieK Wrote: Jun 07, 2011 8:53 PM
Yes, Chemurgic AREN'T YOU folks who share your reactionary sentiments at a website that you wholly don't believe in 'real' americans?
The answer, by the way, is no, by any definition of 'real' Americans, you are not real. You are lobotomized hate junkies.
Keep the change Wrote: Jun 07, 2011 5:16 PM
go away butt plug. Weiner is a disgrace and you know it. The fact that neither of you will own it is not unusual. Standard operating procedure fro fraudulent American leftists
Southwest Gal NM Wrote: Jun 07, 2011 5:26 PM
will, it's probably because the majority of everyday normal American Citizens don't go around acting like this bozo did. Therefore, it is fodder for the gossip mills. But the fact that this imbecile put not only himself, but his colleagues in Congress, our military and our country in jeopardy by his actions is a serious scandal.

WHY?? Because he set himself up that he could have been blackmailed by someone or a foreign country for information or data. Remember, Weiner's wife works for Hillary Clinton, Secretary of State. Now if you don't think that holding something like that over someone's head to use that is not possible, go back and research your history on John F. Kennedy and his many affairs - one of them was a Mob head's girlfriend. The FBI got involved with it back then in order to keep JFK from being stupid or endangering our country.

Now plug in your old brain and just think of all the possible scenarios that could be played out on a board game like that, if you dare.
Keep the change Wrote: Jun 07, 2011 5:43 PM
Keep the change Wrote: Jun 07, 2011 5:43 PM
Keep the change Wrote: Jun 07, 2011 5:43 PM
Big Sky Cowboy VI Wrote: Jun 07, 2011 10:00 PM
willie, Sarah is not pulling facts out of her azzzzz, try to keep up you POS.
Tessa Wrote: Jun 08, 2011 8:14 AM
Will you must be so very intelligent to point out the obvious to us. SIC, you are crazy to think that Wiener and his disregard for the office he holds are at in any way similar to Sarah Palin taking a bus trip starting in DC ending in NH. God forbid that she go to the public square speaking about history (truth) where swarms of people come out to see her. And you defend babs for comparing these two Wiener and Palin. There is absolutely no comparison at all. He a sick pervert that has absolutely no respect for women and his constituents, while Palin is just taking a bus ride while watching the media salivate over every single little step she takes.
Go back to your parent's basement and smoke some more dope so you can try to come up with some other defense of babs or Wiener, while trashing a woman that could kick box your @#@! - you are an idiot.
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