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Jerome Wrote: 2 hours ago (1:22 PM)
I would agree that those who wish to do so have the Constitutional right to build the mosque near Ground Zero, in complaince with all State and Local zoning laws.

I also believe that anyone who wished could also build a gay bar next door to the "muslim cultural center", one that especially catered to a male muslim clientele. Perhaps on the other side of the "culteral center" a rib shack could be built, or a shelter for abused muslim women who sought shelter from fathers or brothers who might want to kill them for dating or marrying outside the faith.
Alan Wrote: 17 hours ago (10:14 PM)
Perry Sutton, a revered lawyer for some unsavory characters, but still well respected, actually said our President's Harvard education was financed by Dr.Khalid al-Mansour, an attendant to the sheiks in Saudi Arabia. This remark is, actually, deleted from the quote of his speaking about Obama, but the record is there. Why is this not a topic of conversation. Where there is smoke, there is not always fire, but if someone said Palin got education funding from some Muslim, overseas, it would certainly be a hot topic.
Neal from PA Wrote: 20 hours ago (7:17 PM)

“The letter of the law is no substitute for the understanding spirit that softens and raises it to the level of ethics and morality, a law above the law. John Adams said it: "Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people; it is wholly inadequate to the government of any other." Without an inner light, and an inner sense of restraint, the law becomes just a playing field for a Hobbesian war of all against all, a confused struggle in which all are so intent on exercising their own rights they forget the rights, and feelings, of others.”

We all need to really and truly, understand and remember that Islam is not purely a religion nor a country, but a TOTALITARIAN way of life (Sharia) with a religious component; AND THAT THE MAJORITY OF MUSLIMS do not agree with all aspects of Islam. Yet we protect both components as one under our first amendment.

Stop! Really think about this…What is ISLAM? ISLAM means SUBMISSION…Islam is not a country nor is it an all inclusive religion; it’s a legal system, a political system, a financial system, a dress code, a moral code, and a strict social structure, yet we protect it as a first amendment issue. The second thing is; most people have no understanding of Islam’s history or its basic tenets. Is this religious component truly a religion of peace? ...HISTORY has shown…Only if you are a true believer; otherwise not so peaceful.

I believe it’s a mistake to call this a “War on Terror”, because terror is just one of many tactics being used. I see this as a “global insurgency”, which recognizes this as an insurgency and the terror nature of this war and recognizes that there are things we must do to stop the spread of this insurgency; not only for our safety, but our very survival.

Fighting this insurgency is a matter of using all elements of our and the “global national” powers. There are seven elements of “global national power” starting with diplomacy, information, military, economics, financial, law enforcement, and intelligence. It’s not and can never be only a military solution. So it is very important to put great pressure on other countries like Iran to stop funding Hezbollah and Hamas. We have to use our economic and global national economic power through sanctions. We have to share intelligence with our allies so they can take action against terrorist-elements in their countries. I could continue down the list; however this is a holistic kind of approach to bring this war to a level where we are sure we can defend ourselves, and we can go directly to its source and if possible, destroy it or at least make it impotent.

Jihadists are totally committed, in many cases suicidal zealots that really believe their true calling is to destroy Western democracies, kill infidels, and establish a caliphate that will ultimately usher in the reign of the Mahdi; the prophesied redeemer of Islam. (Could Obama be the Mahdi?) We are not going to defeat an organization like that by killing them all. There will always be someone to take their place, because this is based on a theology, not holding a piece of ground or a particular objective. We’re talking about a war of ideas and that idea is not going to go away any time soon.

The CAUSE(s) of this and other Islamic problems we face are purely appeasement by Liberals and our elitist politicians; and a testing by Jihadists of just how strong America’s will is.

No one is denying they have (under our Laws) the right to build a Mosque. The question that everyone seems to be avoiding is “Should They” at this particular spot, and “Who is this Imam and whose interest is he representing”? It’s not just about building an Islamic Mosque at “Ground Zero”; but the “Cordoba Initiative”, what it truly represents and its promoters that are the most troubling. Yet, just the idea of one so close to where a gross act in the name of Islam was perpetrated is so repulsive, I become nauseated thinking that it could become a reality.

It isn't America's obligation to demonstrate our tolerance; it is Islam’s obligation to demonstrate its own tolerance in the face of evidence of Islamic intolerance and violence. No other country on earth is more tolerant and done more and given more for liberty, truth, justice, and freedom than America.

“Tolerance is doomed if it is extended to the intolerant, something philosopher Karl Popper worked out in the last century. Unlimited tolerance must lead to the disappearance of tolerance. If we extend unlimited tolerance even to those who are intolerant, if we are not prepared to defend a tolerant society against the onslaught of the intolerant, then the tolerant will be destroyed and tolerance with them. ... We should therefore claim, in the name of tolerance, the right not to tolerate the intolerant."

Where is the Islamic tolerance, sensitivity and respect for those who died on 9/11 and their families? Where in the “Muslim World” have the acts of 9/11 been condemned? “If most Americans believe that Islam is consistent with pluralism, ecumenism and a belief in the equality of all religions and all lifestyles, we are indeed headed for what the Chinese call "interesting times”."

Mayor Bloomberg sanctioning this and spending $300 million of his own to get elected to political office has to be crazy or is just as corrupt as the political system he represents.

I cannot understand how and why “we the people” continue to do harm to ourselves, just to be “Politically Correct”. “We the people” cannot afford “Political Correctness”, at the expense of our “Liberties” and “Freedom”.

President Obama also sanctioning this and then saying, he will not comment on the wisdom of doing it; and why not???...After all he is supposed to be our leader-in-chief. What does this say about Obama? What has Obama done to make me believe he is anything other than a Muslim? He says many things, but what has he done, his actions and inactions tell me what he is not saying.

Are we so blinded by ideology that we cannot see that Islam is using our own laws, sensibilities and tolerance for diversity, equality in truth and justice for all, against us to further especially radical Muslim/Sharia objectives?

Indeed…very interesting times…bring a sleeping giant awake to what a radical religion and progressive liberal/socialists can do to a once prosperous and proud republic.

Will we ever learn from HISTORY; or are we doomed to repeating it?

Alan Wrote: 17 hours ago (10:16 PM)
Thus the Glen Beck rally, regardless of the spin the Progressives, the envious and the race baiters wish to report.
Dan Wrote: 17 hours ago (10:51 PM)

Remarkable post. If you have not seen this video, and it sounds like you may have, please watch this presentation. It is an excellent expose on the mosque in NY and Islam.

Bill Whittle: Ground Zero Mosque Reality Check;=player_embedded

Jean Wrote: 2 hours ago (1:09 PM)
William Wrote: 22 hours ago (5:12 PM)
At the new Ground Zero Islamic Community Centre,
Will Gay's be allowed to use the pool?
Will women be allowed to use the pool?
Will men and women be allowed to swim together?
Will women be allowed to wear bikini's?
Will Gay's be allowed to marry there if it's legal to do so?
Will Christians and Jews be allowed to hold services and promote their religion's at the Community Center?
Will they have a smaller/shorter podium so Mayor Bloomberg can look like a big boy when he give's his speeches there praising Islam and Islam's 'RIGHT'S' in America??
Will pedophiles be welcomed at the Center?
Will there be a room that honor's 54 year old Mohammed and his 6 year old baby, virgin wife Aisha?
Will the American taxpayer have to subsidize this Islamic center while we cannot use our tax money to subsidize Christian/Jewish places of worship?
Will Imam Rauf admit that Hamass is a terrorist organization?
Will the Greek Orthodox Christian Church be allowed to rebuild near Ground Zero?
They've been waiting since 9/12/01 for their permit's!
Will BO ever create a new job for American citizen's instead of using our tax dollars to build Mosque around the world?
Just wondering!
Dan Wrote: 17 hours ago (10:54 PM)

Since Islam is "the religion of peace", or whatever, I am sure all these things will not only be permitted, but encouraged. If not ,I am sure the ACLU and our courts will step right in and make sure no one is discriminated against.
Jean Wrote: 2 hours ago (1:14 PM)
I think we know most of the answers. It is not 'yes'.
William Wrote: 22 hours ago (5:12 PM)
Islam teaches as its history that its founding Prophet Mohammed was a pedophile who at the age of 53 to 56 married a 6 year old baby girl named Aisha and consummated the marriage when this baby girl was 9. This Islamic Prophet flew to Jerusalem during his 'Night Journey' and then climbed a golden ladder to Heaven and met with Jesus, Abraham, Moses, etc. and that they told him he was the final Prophet to deliver the word of 'GOD'!

Does Islam teach that Mohammed was a little further up the 'ladder' as far as those men connected to 'GOD', more so than a few Catholic priest? So if priest are pedophiles that need to be hunted down and charged as perverts, how can we be asked to respect an entire religion that was started by a 7th century pedophile? What's really funny though is that ISLAM teaches the world that its prophet Mohammed was a pedophile. Not a story made up by the world's other religion's.

Every religion on the planet is told to be tolerant of Islam while Islam tolerates no other religion once it comes to power. Read the history of Islam to verify. Muslims should allow Christians and Jews to build religious centers at Mecca to further religious understanding between our faiths. And, do you know when that will happen? When 'HELL' freezes over! We don't 'HATE' islam.
We feel sorry for those that follow it.

In my opinion!

Tom Wrote: Aug 29, 2010 12:59 PM
It isn't what Obama believes that will hurt us (although that would say a lot about his motivation), it is what he DOES that is destructive. And he seems to be very pro-Islamic. As he was raised in that religion, I can understand it's attraction to him. But he and all Progressive-Liberals seem to be blind to one very important fact: Islam is a political ideology masquerading as a Religion. There is no separation of Church and State. When in political power there is no respect for other beliefs or non-believers. Sharia law applies to all in the country, believers and non-believers alike. And their goal is to rule the world. And their Victory Mosque in Manhattan, just like the Dome in Jerusalem, is evidence of still another victory.

What I find so dangerous and insidious about Muslim Sharia law and Islamic attitudes generally is the assumptive trust that western liberal-progressives have in Islam. Sharia law is accepted by devout Muslims. They accept its absolute nature and the penalties dictated. Islam also calls for the elimination of non-believers where Muslims are ruling. This can be by conversion, demotion to a slave-like position in society, or by death.

What liberal-progressives hang their hats on is that the Qur'an calls for treating non-Muslims equally...the same as believers. They point to this as being proof of non-discrimination by Muslims toward other religions and other groups. And, technically, they are correct in this observation. But their reasoning is flawed. What this proves is that if Islam becomes a majority, they will apply Sharia law to everyone...equally.

That means that adultery and homosexuality, among others, will result in death. Theft will result in amputation of a limb. Women will have to wear various forms of the hijab, or more. So...there will be equal treatment...but not the preservation of different life styles. If they become a majority, they will not allow the Supreme Court or the Congress or the President to frustrate what they see to be their solemn duty as called for in the Qur' insure the Islam is followed by all.

It is a mystery to me how progressive-liberals can remain so sanguine in the face of these facts. Is it that they believe that the Constitution, which they have so successfully suborned, will somehow have more force when it serves their purposes in defending against the Islamic goal? Can they be that obtuse and/or stupid? I understand Bloomberg-his success in Dubai hinges on Islamic good will.
Baron From the Great Northwest, Wa. Wrote: Aug 29, 2010 1:22 PM
Islam commands offensive and aggressive and unjust jihad.

Muhammad is foundational to Islam, and he set the genetic code for Islam, waging war.

In the ten years that he lived in Medina from his Hijrah (Emigration) from Mecca in AD 622 to his death of a fever in AD 632, he either sent out or went out on seventy—four raids, expeditions, or full—scale wars.

They range from small assassination hit squads to kill anyone who insulted him, to the Tabuk Crusades in late AD 630 against the Byzantine Christians. He had heard a rumor that an army was mobilizing to invade Arabia, but the rumor was false, so his 30,000 jihadists returned home, but not before imposing a jizya tax on northern Christians and Jews.

Money flowed into the Islamic treasury. So why would Muhammad get a revelation to dry up this money flow?

What are some of the legalized rules of jihad found in the Quran, hadith, and classical legal opinions?

(1) Women and children are enslaved. They can either be sold, or the Muslims may 'marry' the women, since their marriages are automatically annulled upon their capture.

(2) Jihadists may have sex with slave women. Ali, Muhammad's cousin and son—in—law, did this.

(3) Women and children must not be killed during war, unless this happens in a nighttime raid when visibility was low.

(4) Old men and monks could be killed.

(5) A captured enemy of war could be killed, enslaved, ransomed for money or an exchange, freely released, or beaten. One time Muhammad even tortured a citizen of the city of Khaybar in order to extract information about where the wealth of the city was hidden.

(6) Enemy men who converted could keep their property and small children. This law is so excessive that it amounts to forced conversion. Only the strongest of the strong could resist this coercion and remain a non—Muslim.

(7) Civilian property may be confiscated.

(8) Civilian homes may be destroyed.

(9) Civilian fruit trees may be destroyed.

(10) Pagan Arabs had to convert or die. This does not allow for the freedom of religion or conscience.

(11) People of the Book (Jews and Christians) had three options (Sura 9:29): fight and die; convert and pay a forced 'charity' or zakat tax; or keep their Biblical faith and pay a jizya or poll tax. The last two options mean that money flows into the Islamic treasury, so why would Muhammad receive a revelation to dry up this money flow?

Thus, jihad is aggressive, coercive, and excessive, and Allah never revealed to Muhammad to stop these practices.
Alan Wrote: 17 hours ago (10:21 PM)
Two salient facts, now that people are doing what Mohammad bid:
1. People who were not showing up for the daily prayers announced from the towers were to be burned by having their houses burned around them.
2. The marine hymn includes, 'to the shores of Tripoli', for reasons we can no longer ignore. What religion flies planes into skyscrapers saying 'God is Great'?
Doc Wrote: 21 hours ago (6:20 PM)
It's simple, the enemy of my enemy is my friend, for now...
jim#1 Wrote: Aug 29, 2010 12:57 PM
Would someone please tell us about the so called good things those Sandy Sewer residents have done for the world, or anyplace they have taken up residence.

Just read their plan for the United States. Read The Muslim Brotherhood.

Goggle will give you a million hits.

When I look at history of the past 6 or 8 centuries, when I visited the
Iberian Peninsula, or the Balkans, I see nothing good from their history of oppression in those areas.

I was in Serbia in 1989, just as the War was starting, and I can assure you that everything I heard or saw, convinced me the Mussies were at it again. They were the reason for the war in Yugoslavia in the early '90s.
TL Wrote: Aug 29, 2010 12:39 PM
The #1 place with concentrated comprehensive data on Obama and his shady past:

The #1 free online Islam history course to master everything you need to understand why it's a threat to the U.S.:
csl fan Wrote: Aug 29, 2010 12:23 PM
See who is behind Obama getting accepted to Harvard: Khalid al-Mansour;=player_embedded#!
Baron From the Great Northwest, Wa. Wrote: Aug 29, 2010 1:33 PM
Watched it, thanks for posting.

Looks like Harvard is a cesspool, of and for Anti-Americans, bent on the destruction of America as we know HER. Just look at the Harvardlites that surround Obama.
Toby Wrote: Aug 29, 2010 11:55 AM
I get that conservatives may not like the current President. As with any official in office there is always going to be opposition. I get that the change we were looking for may not come through Obama, I do think given the current situation that he's the best he can.

I wouldn't wish the position of President, given our current situation, on anyone.

But what I can't seem to wrap my head around is where all these conservatives were when Bush was in office? I mean if Beck and The Tea Party Movement are up in arms about the current situation. Where were you for the last 8 years? Just zombies waiting for a meal? I mean the stuff we're dealing with now is in direct correlation to last few sitting Presidents.

I guess you can have your cake and eat it to!

Cindy Wrote: Aug 29, 2010 12:24 PM
Toby......the position the President is in he has brought on himself. Further, if you were ever REALLY paying attention to us conservatives, we'd ride Bush when he didn't do what he had said he was going to do as well. The difference is Bush NEVER screwed up THIS BIG, and he didn't SELL US OUT to ANY OTHER NATION, and he didn't SELL US OUT to the WALL STREETERS, and he didn't go to foreign countries and CONDEMN AMERICA as an ARROGANT NATION (you can find our arrogance, by the way, in the cemeteries around the world -- the ones with the big white Cabrera (sp?) marble crosses and Stars of David over them, and I don't recall Bush REFUSING TO PRODUCE A BIRTH CERTIFICATE or spending MILLIONS OF DOLLARS to keep the suits to produce the document at bay. If he would actually do something to lift America up instead of tear it down, you might hear differently from us. As we all know that's NOT going to happen, you won't!
Baron From the Great Northwest, Wa. Wrote: Aug 29, 2010 12:26 PM
We are here today, yesterday is gone, and tomorrow will be here tomorrow.

That should be the focus.

Looking back to condemn, belittle and attack is called a treadmill, going nowhere fast

Looking back to answer questions to move forward is called wisdom through experience
Gary Wrote: Aug 29, 2010 12:33 PM
Obama has "created" the current "situation," taking a minor recession and turning it into a full blown depression, that will make the 30's seem like good times. It's a crisis of confidence, Obama has created an atmosphere of chaos. Nothing he says is true, starting with "transparency," having all bills on the Internet, having Cspan in on critical meetings, etc. On and on! Nine personal meetings with Malik Shabazz, at the Whitehouse, to talk about what, with one of the most racist people alive?
Baron From the Great Northwest, Wa. Wrote: Aug 29, 2010 1:11 PM
Gary all true, If I may

Talk about what ?

1) Black Power.
2) Fundamentally Transforming America.
3) Reparations, through Treason

What does one get from a Racist / Marxist / Muslim Anti-American Hater ? Bribery & Treason
Gary Wrote: Aug 29, 2010 3:22 PM
Exactly, and what do with what we know? How so we prepare for the events rushing upon us like a tidal wave?
Prentice Wrote: Aug 29, 2010 1:30 PM
First, there is a difference in the values of conservatives and liberals. Conservatives understand the original values created by the founding documents--sovereignty (love of our own country over others around the world), freedom, integrity, and the importance of the individual (self reliance over government reliance). Liberals tend to value only their own importance in the "modern" collective group, and to have no tolerance of anyone who disagrees with them. They talk principles of character,but show no signs of having any.
Therefore, for liberals, there is currently confusion as to why conservatives are so upset over Obama and the agenda he is pursuing--to liberals, it seems logical. But, to conservatives, it is the absolute opposite of the values established in the founding documents, which have been so successful for the nation for so long. We aren't going to let the liberals destroy the system--better get your "head around" that.
As for Bush--I wouldn't vote for him again if it were a possibility. He is far from a traditional conservative. His adherence to big government was a problem. His Medicare Prescription bill was a disaster. And, I for one, would not have attempted nation-building in Iraq--instead, I would have turned the guns on Iran. But, he did understand that his job was to put American first, and that his job was to defend it against its enemies; which he did as well as he could, given the rantings of the liberals who apparently see America as the enemy.
As for feeling sorry for Obama and the "current situation"--he wanted the job, all the while knowing he couldn't handle it. But, in reality, we all know his ambition was to "transform America", not to manage its affairs for the benefit of the people.
But, what "stuff we're dealing with now" are you referring to? Bush won the Iraq war, for better or worse--in spite of Obama and the Democrats who are not taking credit for it. The Democrats created Fannie and Freddie, and Barney Frank defended them from Bush's efforts to reign them in before they cratered the economy. The Democrats had the Congress since 2006. And, Obama has proceeded to pursue Keynesian theory (and obviously Marxist theory also), and is unwilling to take any blame for the failure of the economy to restart, or to change course and try something that has worked before (like tax cuts and decent treatment of business). Instead he lies and postures, gives speeches, plays golf, and takes vacations. And you and the other liberals don't understand why we are fed up, or why we see things the way we do? We know that the country is in dire straits--not because of the economy--we can recover from that. The crisis is in the radically liberal administration, in the outlook of liberal voters who can't understand the American concept, and in the mainstream media, all of which have created a very dangerous situation at a time when traditional American values are desperately needed to make the country whole again. But, before we can start dealing with the structural problems the country has (and we do have structural problems), we first have to fight our way through a wall of muddled liberals who apparently feel they have been mistreated in America and that the great Socialist nations of the world would treat them better.
Baron From the Great Northwest, Wa. Wrote: Aug 29, 2010 1:46 PM
Excellent Prentice, EXCELLENT
Shauna Wrote: Aug 29, 2010 1:54 PM
Wow, you said it, Prentice. Exactly right. The lefties just don't get it. No matter wha we say, they just don't.
Alan Wrote: 17 hours ago (10:24 PM)
Prentice, expect name-calling or silence, because you have nailed it.
Caprock Wrote: Aug 29, 2010 11:41 AM
These TownHall articles on Glen Beck's rally this weekend seems to have brought out every form of, on their knees pervert worshipping, tin-foil hat leadership worshipping weirdo able to read. And, a few weirdos who appear to have trouble at doing that..
Baron From the Great Northwest, Wa. Wrote: Aug 29, 2010 12:28 PM
Gary Wrote: Aug 29, 2010 3:17 PM
Here you are! Lol. A mind is a terrible thing to never have.
DockyWocky Wrote: Aug 29, 2010 11:37 AM
From what I saw and heard, the lefties are reading between the lines and are rather glum as it sinks in that they have had their shot, and it, and their Messiah, proved to be a dud. So now they go back into their shells and run up their little red flags signalling the start of their standard, and hopefully extended, period of negativity and unemployment.
We, on the other hand, are facing a short period of watching, impotently, their perverse activity between early November, when they discover their tails are taking up residence between their hind legs, and the time they have to clean out their desks and face looking for an actual job in January.
Then comes the start of the Great Cleansing, and the decline and fall of Barack Hussein Mohammed Obama and his entire bag of tricks
Florida Jim Wrote: Aug 29, 2010 11:28 AM
I praise Beck for being honest and telling America things about Obama and his administration an honest media should have reported during the campaign. When you see 88% of the people at abc, nbc, cbs gave their campaign dollars to Obama you can understand why they are sycophants for him. Real journalists, however, report the facts and let the reader decide and DO NOT give opinions on the story. Younger people have never heard real journalists in the lamestream media. General Electric, who owns NBC and sits on a policy commission of Obama , we are led to believe NBC is fair, HA HA HA. Obama certainly is unfair with his stealth programs bypassing congress on Lead bullets, Green economies, stimulus monies to his friends and the non-vetting of his marxist/progressive appointments as czars, again, bypassing congress. Our FREEDOM is being stolen under Obama and we must awaken Beck is trying to help us.
RickV404 Wrote: Aug 29, 2010 11:22 AM
Beck's show has no lasting power. "Turn back to God"? Which God? Which faith? Christians in this country merely want to use government as an instrument of authority to dictate to people, no less than Leftists. There's no answer there.
Jeremiah Smirking Wrote: Aug 29, 2010 11:25 AM
The God that you will appear before at the point of your death, and have to make an accounting to about your ingratitude to Him for your probably irrelevant, empty life. THAT God, to answer your question.
johninoregon Wrote: Aug 29, 2010 11:29 AM
Well, thanks for straightening that out for us, Cotton Mather.
Shauna Wrote: Aug 29, 2010 2:04 PM
Good answer. Beck is not attempting to force any one God on his listening audience. His focus, which so many miss, is that we must, for our own survival, must become spiritual, in spite of the liberals and athiests.
Alan Wrote: 17 hours ago (10:31 PM)
Beck is a libertarian, so he does not believe in forcing anything on anyone.
If you wish to have liberty, read and understand the intentions and struggles of the Founding Fathers, instead of pablum spit out by College and University professors.
Cindy Wrote: Aug 29, 2010 11:27 AM
Obviously you're not a Christian because none of the Christians I know, including myself, want government to DICTATE to ANYONE!!! We want government to leave us alone, save PROTECTING OUR CONSITUTION!
Alan Wrote: 17 hours ago (10:36 PM)
Absolutely. The seeds of Emancipation are in the Constitution, while people fought to keep the status-quo, tooth and nail. Quakers and Methodists, by quoting the Bible, and walking the walk, eventually influenced the powerful, for the good of their fellow Americans.
These facts do not serve the race-baiters or Demagoges that peddle envy and division.
Gary Wrote: Aug 29, 2010 12:41 PM
Back to the Constitution. Whatever it takes.
Bear Trax Wrote: Aug 29, 2010 11:07 AM
Too bad Glen didn't have a teleprompter to tell him what is in his heart. The thing that so riles the left is the contrast being made here between the infinite wisdom of the Obama communists and that of the 'every day' hard working americans who turned out and tuned in.

I again give my heart felt thanks to Obama, Pelosi and Co. for waking-up our country to the values that make us special. Glen Beck didn't have to hammer home all the greatness of his movement then go on vacation again and again, and again. He's real and the people know it. I don't know if there were any 'elites' in the crowd or amongst the speakers; the ones I recognized were all self made by hard work and perserverence, what a contrast!
Taft Wrote: Aug 29, 2010 11:12 AM
"He's real and the people know it.."
Juan Wrote: Aug 29, 2010 11:17 AM
Jim1Flyer Wrote: Aug 29, 2010 11:18 AM
What's your point? It's a magazine shoot.
Alan Wrote: 17 hours ago (10:44 PM)
Joseph's brothers sold him into slavery. Eventually, he had enough influence, because he did right, that he was able to save them. He knew they did what they did out of hate and envy, but that God used the whole thing for good. In no way did that excuse them, as they were slave traders.
So, while the oval office and all who are gathered, purposely, to turn this nation into confusion, poverty and divisions work everyday, we have been forced to examine Socialism, Marxism, Capitalism and the Constitution, as never before.
Taft Wrote: Aug 29, 2010 10:25 AM
John Brown,

It does not bother you that raving lunatics like Hagee were at Beck's faux Christian rally?

"God says in Jeremiah 16 - 'Behold I will bring them the Jewish people again unto their land that I gave unto their fathers' - that would be Abraham, Isaac and Jacob - 'Behold I will send for many fishers and after will I send for many hunters. And they the hunters shall hunt them' - that will be the Jews - 'from every mountain and from every hill and from out of the holes of the rocks.' If that doesn't describe what Hitler did in the Holocaust... you can't see that. So think about this - I will send fishers and I will send hunters." - Pastor John Hagee in a sermon
JohnBrown Wrote: Aug 29, 2010 10:31 AM
Taft, I want to be sure I'm understanding you before I respond. Are you saying that this hagee person is going to round up the Jews? Please clarify, I'm not familiar with hagee.
Taft Wrote: Aug 29, 2010 11:03 AM

Sorry it took so long to get back with you. I don't understand Hagee really well, except he has a theory that the Jews will be attacked, and Jesus will come, the Jews who are not by then Christians will go to hell. He does all he can to forward that eventuality, Jews getting attacked, so he can go to heaven.
JohnBrown Wrote: Aug 29, 2010 11:11 AM
Hmm, my thoughts on the whole Christian/Jew/Muslim thing couldn't be summed up well with a few words here. I imagine the Jews will be attacked, by virtue of having angered a billion or so (savages mostly) enemies who surround them. I don't think them being attacked is fulfillment of any sort of prophecy, or justifies Americans dying in leiu of Israelis.
johninoregon Wrote: Aug 29, 2010 11:31 AM
Well, given that Pastor Hagee is a loon, I wouldn't take his particuar interpretations of anything TOO seriously.
JohnBrown Wrote: Aug 29, 2010 9:00 AM
Haha, I finally get to see this rikker person ina thread - there's a guy named alwhattin o'kaddle who is dead convinced that I am you. I can only guess that he saw a post where I (being a fair-minded White Nationalist) expressed support for black nationalism (as in - GO AWAY from civilized society and start a 'country' of your own).

Anyway, rikker, you are DEEP in that guy's head...he was throwing fits on here ...and continues to every time he sees a post of mine...kind of funny. What did you do to the old man to make him so obsessed with you?
JohnBrown Wrote: Aug 29, 2010 8:47 AM
To you liberals: You think Beck is racist and his supporters are extreme.

I refused to go (along with the whole crowd I went with last year on 9/12),

specifically BECAUSE of the off-topic MLK-worship (he was a commie - not at all for State's Rights),

and the kissing of blackass in general. The tea party lost me and mine when it went scouring the countryside for the elusive black who isn't a commie (3% or so).

The point is, I might be somewhat extreme and racist, and you might be somewhat extreme and racist,

but the people at Beck's rally were not 'extreme' anything.
BubbaGump Wrote: Aug 29, 2010 9:37 AM
HEy john at least you're honest. Speaking as a liberal we don't think Beck is racist, actually we dont even care if he is.
As far as "liberals" are concerned he is just manipulating an already angry and fearful segment of America for the sole purpose of selling books, advertising and Goldline stocks.

If the tea party attracts people holding racist signs and tea party leaders refuse to speak against them then it is tacit approval.
JohnBrown Wrote: Aug 29, 2010 10:27 AM
Actually, BG, the tea party groups have been very aggressive in chasing away those who would recruit for White Nationalism. They want, more than anything, to be avoid being thought of as racist (the leper of 2010 America.haha).

They're not ready yet to accept the OBVIOUS racial dynamic when it comes to big government and loss of liberty in America. They're not willing to accept that the sides in this battle were determined long before we were born (with our skin as our uniform).
Positive Force Wrote: Aug 29, 2010 10:42 AM
After listening to Beck for a number of years, I have decided that he is a plant by the democrat party. He lures in thirsty conservatives and proceeds to act like a fool to make all conservatives look kooky and foolish.
johninoregon Wrote: Aug 29, 2010 11:43 AM
"He lures in thirsty conservatives and proceeds to act like a fool to make all conservatives look kooky and foolish."

Perhaps his models are the tent evangelists who use cheap showmanship and phony miracles to fleece the rubes.
Caprock Wrote: Aug 29, 2010 10:00 AM
No doubt John Brown and BubbaGump are "69"ing each other.
Positive Force Wrote: Aug 29, 2010 10:44 AM
Typical comment from the aborted zombie comedy central mind of the secular slime machine filth.
Laura Wrote: Aug 29, 2010 2:48 PM
This alone speaks volumes about the conservative movement- the EXTREMISTS don't feel any association to this cause. So, why then, is it being painted as a movement of redneck bigots who want nothing more than to suppress the forward "progress" of minorities and this nation? Power. The only way to continue the charade is to manipulate our emotions and convince people that it's Fascist. Sure, there are plenty of people within the ranks of the conservative movement who believe in these destructive things. However, I honestly believe that there is a truly genuine, heartfelt feeling among many Americans, white and black, who want nothing more than to be free and let others do the same.
Alan Wrote: 17 hours ago (10:48 PM)
Ev Wrote: Aug 29, 2010 8:28 AM
In 1967 my wife and I brown bagged lunch and sat at Paine Webber where she worked across from the work site for the WTC…and watched it grow from a deep hole to a magnificent American tower. For many years I met clients at the Tall Ships Bar at street level until the Brooklyn based muslim fanatics blew the floor out in 1993. In 2002 I took my daughter to pray with me at the huge pit filled with the ashes of Americans massacred by the muslim enemy. In 2007 I read where Mayor Bloomberg enabled a madras in Brooklyn and wrote him to object as a taxpayer and New Yorker for 35 years…now he’s enabling the mosque at ground Zero, as is the glib manipulative rhetoric of a president that hates Americans. Americans, please keep this in mind as we go into fall’s elections. God bless America.//Everett Mayo
Jerseyvet Wrote: Aug 29, 2010 10:45 AM
EV, did you see the photo of Bloomberg in the Wall Street Journal, sitting beside a Muslim cleric in a mosque with his shoes off? I couldn't help thinking that most Muslims don't want the Jews to take off their shoes: they want to take off their heads!

Even though the old USSR communist threat has faded away we still have the "Useful Idiots" here in the USA.

binc Wrote: Aug 29, 2010 7:50 AM
JD, we only get actual numbers when they're to the advantage of the left. Every photo that I've seen via the media has been cropped and shows only a portion of the crowd but I suppose the MSM thinks the public at large is just too dumb to notice that. Anyone that wants to get the true scope of the event can google image "beck rally aerial". Looks like a mighty huge turnout to me
Juan Wrote: Aug 29, 2010 11:19 AM
Nobody is trying to hide the turnout, so stop being a self-persecuting paranoid. Here's the very conservative MSM with all the info.
Theonethatknows Wrote: 2 hours ago (1:14 PM)
cbs conservative? oxymoronic! Juan is a fool!
Ronald Wrote: Aug 29, 2010 7:00 AM
The mosque at Ground Zero is in keeping with Muslim in-your-face insult by take over of sites regarded as holy. As proof, examples of which most people are not aware include in the Holy Land of Israel Muslim control and contesting for the Temple Mount, Bethlehem, Hebron, Jericho and Nazareth. I understand there are others, but these are the ones I know of personally.

The Temple Mount is the site of the Dome of the Rock and the al-Aqsa Mosque. Muslims claim Mohammed rode on a white horse from the Temple Mount to heaven where he taunted Moses and back, thus the Dome of the Rock was erected there during a historical Muslim occupation of the site. The al-Aqsa Mosque gives its name to the al-Aqsa Martyr's Brigade, one of the hundreds of Islamic jihadist terror groups.

Bethlehem is, of course, the birth place of Jesus and site of multi-denominational Christian churches. Bethlehem is in the West Bank and under control of Palestinians who have created violent confrontations there from time to time.

Hebron is the site of Abraham's Cave at Machpela. Biblical and extra-Biblical records affirm that Abraham bought the cave and surrounding land as a burial site for his beloved wife Sarah. Subsequently other matriarchs and patriarchs of Jewish faith are believed to have been buried there. Like Bethlehem, Hebron is in the West Bank and under Palestinian control. The Palestinians allow a small number of Jews (about 100) to live in Hebron and access to 13% of the Machpelah holy site. Jews are not allowed to enter the Muslim area of the holy site, but Muslims may enter freely into the Jewish side. They have done so often at Jewish prayer times to disrupt the prayers, and worse yet, the thousands of Muslims in Hebron have gone on murderous rampages of the small Jewish community there from time to time in its history.

Jericho is also in the West Bank and under Palestinian control. Jericho is where Joshua led the Hebrews into the Holy Land following the exodus from slavery in Egypt, and also among other things where Zaccheaus climbed into a tree to see Jesus passing that way enroute to Jerusalem. The Muslims allow entry into Jericho only through a gift shop area under their control on the southeast side of the town.

At Nazareth Muslim agitators have planned for some years now to build a mosque that would overpower and block access to the Church of the Annunciation where Mary was told of her immaculate conception and the impending birth of Jesus. So far the Judeo-Christian protectors there have been able to block construction of the mosque. Presently the Muslims hold prayer services in an open air public square with obnoxious, blaring loudspeakers carrying the screeching words of the Imam conducting the services.

By allowing construction of a huge mosque at Ground Zero these are exactly the kinds of things we are setting up to happen there. It is political correctness insanity.
Matthew Wrote: Aug 29, 2010 6:09 AM
If Americans are free to choose the religion of their choice because of their inalienable right to be free"The Constitution",and radical Islam believes that all others should be subservient to them and their beliefs or be labeled infidels and killed, which is really indoctrination, why would we even let a mosque be erected anywhere since it is a place that teaches that our laws are wrong and that we should be killed? Sounds like someone no longer wants America to be free.
Russ Wrote: Aug 29, 2010 7:58 AM
Well said, Matthew. The bottom line is that this mosque is not about anything as laudable as healing the Community of the hurts from 9/11 or any of the other disingenuous justifications spouted by Imam Rauf and other supporters of the project. It's about the Islamic stealth jihad. It is dawa. It is about the creeping Islamification of the West. It is Islamic triumphalism over the supposed victory of the warriors of Allah on 9/11. This mosque should not be built, EVER. If that makes me an Islamophobe, so be it. I've studied the religio-political belief system known as Islam, and I don't want it around here, period. It is not a "religion of peace". It means to do us harm. Make that, more harm than it has already done. NO MOSQUE.
dean Wrote: Aug 29, 2010 9:33 AM
Matthew and Russ---EXACTLY right!!!!

They want to create a "parallel" CULTURE right here inside the United States.

They even want to Re-Create their backward culture from whence they came, complete with their own dress--and their own laws--(sharia).

They not only should NOT be allowed to build a shrine to their "false god"--but I would suggest that EVERY pagan mosque that has ALREADY been built---should be torn down and removed.

If muslims do not want to assimilate into the AMERICAN culture----THEY SHOULD GET OUT!
Jerseyvet Wrote: Aug 29, 2010 10:57 AM
Right on! Thanks to the liberals traditional assimilation has been downgraded as the liberals encourage immigrants to keep their own culture and language. Saudi Arabia, with billions of oil money, is financing mosques in this country that are designed to spread radical Wahhabism throughout America.

And the liberal feminists don't even realize that! NOW would be yesterday and that's a good thing!
Alan Wrote: 17 hours ago (10:56 PM)
It is my understanding that up to the 1980's, at least, Swahili speaking blacks were in generational slavery among the middle east shieks. They were not to speak Swahili, except in their own homes, and, because of their appearance, they could not ever get away. Children have been taken as slaves, from Southern Sudan, and can be ransomed from their Moslem captors, it the Southerners have the money.
I think of this every time I think of the American Mooslim movement and Farriquan. Such is often the fruits of ignorance of both present events and past history.
I think of it every time I see a native born in something like a burkha.
rich Wrote: 20 hours ago (7:01 PM)
Alan Wrote: 17 hours ago (10:51 PM)
Our way of life, our Constitution, and our laws are totally incompatible with Islam. Why will no one face this?
Michael Wrote: Aug 29, 2010 5:46 AM
Bubba Gump is probably on all entitlements he can get from the taxpayer or if not,he will be soon.
JD's Most Handsome Son Wrote: Aug 29, 2010 5:30 AM
There were easily over one million there. The Left knows it and is frightened, for good reason. The only thing that went wrong is that those one million people didn't storm the capitol, seize power, drag out every officeholder and appointee, and hang them from lamp posts. Those tassled toed crooks better keep this thing afloat until it stabilizes, because if it all collapses we'll go back and do just that.
JohnBrown Wrote: Aug 29, 2010 9:01 AM
Good to see you JD, You've mellowed since I used to come here.
Juan Wrote: Aug 29, 2010 11:20 AM
Of course we're frightened. Even it was only 87,000 people. 87,000 is a lot of crazy idiots.
Theonethatknows Wrote: 23 hours ago (4:54 PM)
Juan-these weren't your people! These were true American Patriots. Are you illegal?
Alan Wrote: 17 hours ago (10:59 PM)
The police breath a sigh of relief when people like this decide to hold a rally. Liberals, et al, leave behind a mess and are often violent. The records of arrests are there, to be ignored and lied about.
NYMike Wrote: Aug 29, 2010 1:07 AM
The Ruling Class of both parites - equally guilty or straying from our Constitutional Principles - you are doomed and to be sent packing.
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