Townhall Video   Levin to Rubio: Why Not Run for President?

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USC Wrote: Mar 17, 2011 1:04 PM
Donald Trump on Immigration

Control the borders; even legal immigration should be difficult.
America is experiencing serious social and economic difficulty with illegal immigrants who are flooding across our borders. We simply can’t absorb them.

It is a scandal when America cannot control its own borders. A liberal policy of immigration may seem to reflect confidence and generosity. But our current laxness toward illegal immigration shows a recklessness and disregard for those who live here legally.

The majority of legal immigrants can often make significant contributions to our society because they have special skills and because they add to our nation’s cultural diversity. They come with the best of intentions.

But legal immigrants do not and should not enter easily. It’s a long, costly, draining, and often frustrating experience-by design. I say to legal immigrants: Welcome and good luck.

It comes down to this: we must take care of our own people first. Our policy to people born elsewhere should be clear: Enter by the law, or leave.

Source: The America We Deserve, by Donald Trump, p.143-45 Jul 2, 2000

Limit new immigration; focus on people already here
Trump was firm concerning restrictions in immigration. “I’m opposed to new people coming in,” he said. “We have to take care of the people who are here.”

Source: Dec 10, 1999



It's about time to lower the yearly legal quota down from 1,000,000 3rd worlders being given US Citizenship per year to about 10,000 per year,

to make up for the approximately 15,000,000 or more illegal-aliens including their relatives that they were able to sponsor, who have been given amnesty-US-Citizenship from 1986-2011

Along with the 20,000,000 or more who were also given US Citizenship by the legal quota system from 1986-2011 !!!

What are we stupid or something ???
anonymous Wrote: Mar 16, 2011 10:01 PM
Mark --Being a lawyer,you should know---He aint eligible! Mom & Pop were Cuban boat people.Not US citizens.
Ace Wrote: Mar 16, 2011 10:56 PM
Wrong - He is eligible. He was born in the US.
Chuck Wrote: Mar 16, 2011 8:33 PM
That's why it MUST be you, Maximus.
USC Wrote: Mar 16, 2011 8:10 PM
We need Rubio in the Senate from Florida. He said on the Levin show that he wants to be a Senator and not mess up his carreer by jumping all over the place politically speaking, so soon after his historic election.

And he's right !!!

Trump - West , Trump - Cain, Trump - Pence, Trump - Palin, Trump - Bachmann, etc., 2012 ticket.

When is; Boehnor, Cantor, and McConnell going to stop doing business with these liberals-Democrats-crooks.

We'd better get on them to cut out their RINO political-Government, big-self-serving-corporations-controlled hidden agenda, and do what we sent them, RINO Boehnor, and the Conservatives to do.

While Boehnor the RINO is protecting and carrying out the RINO's highly; covered up and propagandized, political-Government, big-self-serving-corporations controlled hidden agenda and blocking the Conservatives political-government agenda,

the liberals-Democrats-Obama-Reid-Schumer-Boxer-Durbin-Leahy-Harkin-FGrank-Nadler, etc. are trying to run out the clock and get the people back on their side with every political episode that they can twist-spin to their advantage.

Because the RINO's in the Leardership are just spinning theirs and the Republican Partys wheels to protect their own RINO political-Government, big-self-serving-corporations controlled hidden agenda.

While leaving the Conservatives who completely disagree with the liberals-Democrats and corporate-controlled-PC-RINO's, to have to take the blame from the general public right along with them !!!
Edgar Wrote: Mar 16, 2011 9:38 PM
Trump - Obama is as likely to win as any other combination with his name first.
ClaireSolt Wrote: Mar 17, 2011 10:42 AM
Boehner is a genius, if you ask me. He just keeps his head down as the Democrats try one diversionary tactic after another and he wins cuts against adamant Dem opposition. If you want a one party conservative tyranny, then get to work defeating all the Democrats in Congress. In the meantime try not to pick u[p Dem talking points as your own.
Sam Wrote: Mar 16, 2011 7:19 PM
Become a fan of the Federalist Papers on Facebook (James Madison, John Jay, & Alexander Hamilton's) commentary on the Constitution.

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Edgar Wrote: Mar 16, 2011 9:38 PM
You don't need a book to have a face!! 90,900 sites-
The Federalist Papers are available broadly!
Read online, listen online, or download for free:

The center site is amazing! You may listen online or download the papers in individual MP3 files. If you are a little savvy on downloading it's a snap to build a single file of all the papers.
If you're not so savvy, the process is not hard to understand and it will be a fine learning experience.
Wendy Wrote: Mar 16, 2011 7:09 PM
Levin is not particularly bright, although he thinks he is. He has no idea what is going on here. Rush was foolish to mention Rubio the other day. His distress over Palin attacks left his judgment impaired and desperate.
DocForesight Wrote: Mar 17, 2011 11:54 AM
Wendy, upon what do you base your assertion of "Levin is not particularly bright"? Are accomplished constitutional attorneys routinely "not bright"? Are successful authors routinely "not bright"? Would you care to debate Mr. Levin in order to expose his being "not particularly bright"? And what is he missing when you assert that "he has no idea what is going on here"?
Joe Wrote: Mar 16, 2011 6:17 PM
Rubio's running would be like putting up a Republican Obama. He's pretty, but doesn't have the experience. He would also not be supported by many people to whom laws and values have real meaning.
His candidacy could best serve as a way to split the party.
Georgia Boy 61 Wrote: Mar 16, 2011 5:04 PM
Marco Rubio is ineligible to run, because one/both of his parents were not U.S. citizens at the time of his birth. The constitution must be followed, even when it is politically inconvenient to do so - or we're no better than the Democrats who gave us that usurper Obama. Want the NBC provision changed? Then get the constitution amended, as the Founders provided.
JD in TX Wrote: Mar 16, 2011 5:39 PM
Go tell it to someone who cares... the abuse of the 14th Amendment by Mexican illegals alone legitimizes Rubio's eligibility!! Have you heard of the term 'anchor babies'?

Besides, both parents are NOT required to be U.S. Citizens!! If Rubio was born on U.S. soil, then he is eligible as far as I'm concerned...
JD in TX Wrote: Mar 16, 2011 5:40 PM
You can't have it both ways in this country... unless of course, you're a Lib!
anonymous Wrote: Mar 16, 2011 9:51 PM
Both parents Cuban citizens at the time of his birth in Miami.Marco Rubio is not natural born therefore not constitutionally eligible for Prez or VP.He has risen as high as legally allowed.Period...
Mary Wrote: Mar 16, 2011 4:34 PM
I don't know if he has enough experience. OH WAIT!!! The anointed one didn't have a lot of experience either. He was a community organizer, we THINK he might have taught something, he was in the Illinois Senate and voted present a whole lot of times, he was elected to the U.S. Senate and didn't overly exert himself except to vote anti-war and for any type of abortion,and as POTUS??? I'm not even addressing his attempt at that job. Suffice it to say, we know almost NOTHING about the man and I'm not talking about his birth certificate either. Why did he have everything and anything about his past sealed??? We know what schools he attended, think we know where he lived (Indonesia as one), but what were his grades? The press touts him as brilliant--how would we know??? We knew almost everything about Bush, Gore, and other presidential candidates. Bill Clinton, the boy from Hope was a wee bit sketchy on things, but...
Bonaventure Wrote: Mar 16, 2011 3:26 PM
These may be some advantages to a Marco Rubio run:

(1) He can tap into the natural conservative sentiments of most legal Hispanics;
(2) He can speak without being lambasted against illegal immigrants;
(3) He can actually and fluently address the Hispanics in Spanish once in a while to show the LSM that a conservative can be educated and cultured;
(4) He can rally more Tea-Party people, and make sure that they out-vote the libs's Mickey Mice;
(5) He can bring the almost 30 electoral votes from Florida back to the conservative camp;
(6) He can verbally and intellectually destroy and annihilate any liberal presidential candidate (either in the GOP party or the Dem party during the primaries);
(7) In fact, he can be the engine behind the presidential campain;

But if the issue is about experience, then he should never tire to remind America that Obama was elected with ABSOLUTELY NO experience at all.

And finally, if experience is a real obstacle, he can still keep all the above advantages if running for VP.

Edgar Wrote: Mar 16, 2011 9:49 PM
He will be a strong voice and example for conservatism. Time in the Senate will give him a much stronger position and image down the line. A good guy, to be sure, but not yet a unifier, and that is what is needed for a strong defeat of Obambam in 2012.

A heavy win by republicans is essential to provide the support for turning the country around. A split of the independents will only make both parties weak in the aftermath of 2012, much like we have now.
ClaireSolt Wrote: Mar 17, 2011 10:47 AM
I watched and supported Rubio in his run for senator of Florida. Please know that he is not some yahoo that found his way from the strawberry fields to senator, and the press mischaracterizes those they call Tea Party. He is an accomplished politician who was speaker of the Florida house. He avoids meaningless bomb throwing chances to throw red meat.
rmt5 in MA Wrote: Mar 16, 2011 3:24 PM
Rubio and Allen West needed to be born about eight years earlier so that they would have the experience and name recognition required to run for POTUS. Don't get me wrong, I would vote for either of them TODAY if that were possible, but in a practical sense it would be very difficult for them to win at this time.

However, Obama is such a disaster, that the door could well open for ANYONE who can articulate the conservative message as well as Rubio and West can. I hope their minds are open enough so that either of them would sieze the opportunity if it becomes obvious.
JD in TX Wrote: Mar 16, 2011 5:43 PM
Therein lies the problem - for some STRANGE reason, true conservative voices are shunned by Re-pubicans and liberals alike... the moral hypocrisy is also a wonder - If you're conservative, you are not forgiven for sin, but if you're a Lib (or a Lib sympathizer), well then, you can literally get away with murder... or worse yet, the complete destruction of the planet's only Constitutional Republic!
elizabeth Wrote: Mar 16, 2011 2:42 PM
I love this guy! From the beginning I have been saying that Marco Rubio is a "superstar" and I am hoping at some point he will change his position on running for president. He is young and sharp, articulate (doesn't need a teleprompter to tell him what to say) has the potential to bring in a big chunk of the hispanic vote, and most important, he is conservative.

Mark Levin endorses him, and that says a lot. If we had 10 more like him, the republican party would be a powerhouse and the dems would be shaking in their boots. I think they are already terrified of how far Rubio can get, just by the things they have already said about him.

Rubio is better than Christie, and the rest of the republican candidates out there. Perhaps somewhere down the road Rubio will reconsider, we need candidates with leadership qualities and this guy has it in spades.
Pat Wrote: Mar 16, 2011 2:26 PM

Country first Wrote: Mar 16, 2011 1:28 PM
Rubio is pretty conservative, is smart, wants smaller government fiscal responsibility etc., but he is soft on immigration - that might be due to the fact he is the son of immigrants, but no matter; we need a strong supporter of border security and anti-illegal alien invasion. Also, he is too young and inexperienced. Only time will tell if he can stay true to his principles after he has been in Washington for a few more years.

BUT.....Mike Pence, on the other hand is very savvy about the inner working of Washington with many years of experience under hi sbelt. He is a strong advocate for limited government, fiscal discipline, a strong national defense, and traditional moral values. He has opposed bailouts, government takeovers and runaway federal spending throughout his time in Congress.

Speaker of the House John Boehner described Pence as a servant leader and cheerful warrior who will never lay down his arms in the fight for a government that honors our Constitution and reflects the consent of the governed. He serves on the Committee of the Judiciary where he acts as the Vice-Chairman of the Subcommittee on the Constitution and is also a member of the Subcommittee on Intellectual Property, Competition, and the Internet. He also serves on the Committee on Foreign Affairs where he is the Vice-Chairman on the Subcommittee on the Middle East and South Asi

Mike Pence describes himself as "a Christian, a conservative, and a Republican, in that order." Congressman Pence and his wife Karen have three children and reside in Columbus, Indiana. The Pence family lives in Arlington, Virginia while Congress is in session.

Congressman Pence has emerged as a national spokesman for conservative principles. In March of 2005, The Washington Post described Pence as "A New Face on Conservatism,” observing that Pence has " delivered conservative opinions with the even tones and polite demeanor of his Midwest upbringing." In November 2005, Business Week described him as a "new power broker" and syndicated columnist George Will singled out Pence and Governor Mitch Daniels' brand of conservatism as the "wave of the future." Columnist Peggy Noonan has complimented Pence on his ability to maintain an upbeat attitude even in a partisan environment, quoting him as saying, "I'm a conservative, but I'm not in a bad mood about it." An April 2006 profile in U.S. News and World Report said Pence "has emerged as a powerful force, moving Congress further to the right."

Pence's role as a conservative leader has been profiled in The Chicago Tribune, Business Week, the Weekly Standard, U.S. News and World Report and The New York Times. He appears regularly on FoxNews, CNN and MSNBC. Pence also appears weekly on Indiana's most prominent talk radio stations.

In 2005, Congressman Pence was named "Man of the Year" by the leading conservative publication Human Events for his leadership on behalf of fiscal discipline. Previous honorees include President Ronald Reagan, the late Supreme Court Chief Justice William Rehnquist, and current Associate Justices Clarence Thomas and Antonin Scalia. And he has repeatedly received the "True Blue Award" from the Family Research Council for his commitment to the family and sanctity of human life and the Taxpayers' Friend Award from the National Taxpayers' Union for his commitment to advocating for responsible tax and spending policies. In 2010, The Hill, a Washington newspaper that covers Congress, named Congressman Pence one of the 25 hardest working lawmakers in Washington.

Go to his site to see more about the man I believe should run for President of the Untied States.
NAlcoba Wrote: Mar 16, 2011 1:39 PM
Sounds like you're endorsing Mike Pence. Just taking a wild guess here.
annfan Wrote: Mar 16, 2011 3:18 PM
I think we need more men like Pence to be in Congress. A strong conservative Senate and House can reign in spending no matter who is president.
Arby Wrote: Mar 16, 2011 4:45 PM
Pence has always been my favorite candidate for President. But he has said clearly -- nah. He's going to run for governor instead. He wants to make a more solid contribution to Indiana. I wish he would change his mind -- I would vote for him regardless of his running mate. He's top flight on all the important issues to conservatives.
ClaireSolt Wrote: Mar 17, 2011 10:52 AM
Pence and Santorum re cut from the same cloth.
They come across as thick and self righteous bores. They have a saying in Iowa "dumb as a box of rocks"
DocForesight Wrote: Mar 17, 2011 11:46 AM
Claire -- How exactly do they come across "as thick and self righteous bores"? They voice their strongly-held conservative convictions and principles without casting aspersions on their opponents motives. They don't engage in verbal bomb-throwing just to garner attention.

That saying in Iowa is not unique to your state. Some say IOWA means "Idiots Out Walking Around" - but that isn't something I would say.
Charles Wrote: Mar 16, 2011 1:18 PM
All of the republicans who voted for the CR will now have to explain to their constituencies why they voted to support the government takeover of healthcare, and fnd NPR and planned parenthood. Just another example of charletans running on a conservative platform and then voting as rinos.
Mickey Wrote: Mar 16, 2011 2:25 PM
So they fund O-care, so what, it was declared Unconstitutional. Let them fund it, the funds are not going to have much of a place to go. Sure some of that will be spent, but just think of about 1/2 that money as a budget cut.
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