brian williams Archives

April 28, 2009

Williams on Moronic Jet Stunt: Pay UP!

(Jason Mclane / AP)

Those morons who buzzed lower Manhattan yesterday in the jet? "Someone should pay!" thundered Brian Williams on his blog last night.

Actually, someone should be fired. I guess that's saying the same thing...

One of the stupidest, most moronic, most idiotic, most utterly worthless, most absolutely preposterously irredeemably insensitive things the Federal government did yesterday? If in lower Manhattan, all you had to do was look up for answers!

God, what IDIOTS. (Your tax dollars at work...)

But enough of my thundering. Here's BriWilli's good post from yesterday:

"This was dangerously mishandled. As I said the other evening at a gathering of New York City firefighters: even after all these years, among many New Yorkers, 9/11 still feels like it was about 10 minutes ago. The pit is still there, though it's now a construction zone. The losses don't go away. No one is bringing my neighbor back to me. I will drive by his house on my way home from work tonight, and he won't be there. We still look up at the sky (in ways we never did before) when we hear low-flying aircraft, and we still worry. Lower Manhattan is no place for an unnanounced low-altitude jumbo jet-and-fighter-jet flyover.

Someone should pay for this."


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