Twitter Columns on Townhall

Sun. Oct 16

Mike Shedlock:
Occupy Wall Street Protests Go Global, Turn Violent in Rome

Bailing out the bondholders ever is simply wrong. Those who take risks need to pay the price. These protests are just a start of what we will see if bondholders and banks are bailed out again on the backs of taxpayers. ... more

Thu. Oct 13

Ralph Benko:
Debauching OWS

Lenin was certainly right. There is no subtler, no surer means of overturning the existing basis of society than to debauch the currency. The process engages all the hidden forces of economic law on the side of destruction, and does it in a manner which not one man in a million is able to diagnose. ... more

Sat. Oct 08

Karen Lugo:
Iranian Pastor Youcef Nadarkhani and the Berlin Wall

In the day of heroes, Ronald Reagan, Margaret Thatcher and John Paul II all had a voice in defying Communism as President Reagan issued the challenge: “Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!” This trio of Western leaders labored for years, conspiring in the cause of freedom and inserting their agenda of liberty into every crack as Soviet Communism crumbled owing to corruption, demoralization and economic decay. ... more

Tue. Oct 04

Crystal Wright:
Black Liberals Assault on Herman Cain

We live in a democratic country called America where we are given unalienable rights, individual freedoms and liberties to live our lives the way we deem fit. Americans have the freedom to choose what they say, write, their religion and which political party or movement they support: Republican, Democrat, Independent, Tea Party, etc. ... more

Sun. Oct 02

Derek Hunter:
Can You Do Satire Of A Parody

Meghan McCain, whom I affectionately call “The Lucky Sperm,” because cracking that egg is the only “accomplishment” her name didn’t get her, was the subject of some satire this week by ... more

Fri. Sep 16

Hugh Hewitt:
A Conversation with Justice Breyer

It isn't legal elites and the law school academy that the Supreme Court needs to hear from more often, or appear before on a more regular occasion. It is the people who are affected by their decisions that they ought to be speaking directly to, answering the objections as best they can while avoiding the controversies that will soon be upon them. ... more

Mon. Sep 05

Mike Adams:
Seeking a Bolder Boortz in Boulder

Hi Neal: I hope this note finds you well. In light of your comments on the radio today I think the time is probably ripe for us to debate the issue of abortion in a public arena. ... more

Sat. Sep 03

Jeff Reeves:
CBO: Cost Per Job Between $196,750 and $562,000

Cost Per Job Between $196,750 and $562,000: Like I said, the jobs numbers are slippery. But if you take the $787 billion price tag and divide by CBO estimates of 1.4 million to 4 million “full-time equivalent” jobs created as a result of the stimulus measure, per-job costs range between these two six-figure sums. ... more