Townhall Video   Democrat Running As Tea Party Spoiler Candidate Assaults Citizen Journalis

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John Wrote: May 12, 2011 4:32 PM
The TEA Party will speak out about the guy.

Who will be the first troll to say "Hey, I thought the TEA Party was made of democrats, republicans..etc So now the TEA Party does not like democrats? Proves it is republican and bought by corporations"?

KFORCE Wrote: May 13, 2011 11:18 AM
Why do you Lib's always insist on name calling? "Troll"...??? What, are you in third grade? The Tea Party is ANTI-PARTY. We are mostly conservative and not necessarily Republican. Anyone can speak at a rally but you will not be allowed to promote your party in any way. We have one concern and it is a single issue. That is the Federal Government debt, under both parties, is the single largest threat to our National Security. That's it. Pretty simple. Quit watching msnbc. Leftist news outlets don't like the Tea Party because they want the opposite. HUGE Government control of everyone and everything at any cost.