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USC Wrote: Feb 27, 2011 5:55 AM
The fact that a war hero lost to to a deviant freak in 2008 shows how destroyed our nations people are from having only fake Conservatives as leaders for so long.

A war President Bush-1 lost to Communist Chinese spy Bill Clinton and then a real war hero Bob Dole lost to that same Communist spy Bill Clinton too !!!

Then after 8 years of a Communist spy Bill Clinton the country shied away from his Vice President and went for the fake-phoney-fraud lying fake-Conservative, NWO-serving RINO, GB-2.

Since he was a war President we didn't get rid of him because the wars were still going on and we needed more years away from Clintonista types.

By the time GB-2 finished his 2cnd term, even his Party realiozed what a lying thieving corrupt middle-east-oil-war-mongering crook that he was-is.

So then we endedu p with the anti-American deviant freak Obamna as a nationwide reaction to the corrupt lying NWO-serving war criminals; GB-2, Cheney, and Rumsfeld and their ally in middle-east-oil-war-mongering along the way John McCain.

So now we see that we have the same situation as in 1992 when the country had had enough of GB-1 after only one 4 year term, same goes for Obama.

But the problem is that we want a real Tea Party approved type Conservative like Jim DeMint, Mike Pence, Steve King, John Kasich, etc.

But Mike Pence said that he's not running, We are not hearing enough about Jim DeMint, same for Steve King who is the most qualified amongst all of them.

John Kasich is the new Governor of Ohio, can he run for President in 2012, so soon after winning in Ohio for Governor ?

Kasich, King, DeMint, or Pence would all be great Tea Party type Presidents !!!

Romney, Gingrich, Christy, Daniels, Barbour, Huckabee, etc.are all shameful RINO's or RINO-neocons on alot of the Conservative and pro-US-Constitution-States-Rights issues.

All of them would follow what the NWO tells rhem to do !!!

Most Presidents do because they have to, they have no choice, they are warned.

I'm not sure about Pawlenty because I haven't read enough about him yet, except that he's more Conservative than Daniels, but Pawlenty might be a supreme RINO too.

Trump sounds very good but can he be trusted to really be a Tea Party-Conservative-Republican loyalist and not be partly, mostly, or completely ruled by the NWO ???

The President is an NWO controlled position, so it might not be feasible to get a really pro-American President in there !!!

So lets now continue to work on getting a good Tea Party type Presidential candidate.

But lets now also work on winning back the US Senate in 2012, which we can do, because the momentum for wanting a Conservative controlled US Congress and the want of getting away from Obama is very strong.

Ann Coulter, one of my favorite on tv and radio is off her rocker, she's going on and on about the supreme pro-illegal-alien-amnesty, pro-Obama-care, pro-cap-tax-RGGI, pro-NYC mosque, pro-social-liberal, supreme-RINO Chris Christy.

Lets all also start looking at the US Sennate as it is now and the amount of seats that we can pickup therein 2012 and then from that perspective also work on finding a decent Tea Party approved and or accepted Conservative Republican candidate for President for 2012 !!!

Lets make sure that Ron Paul is part of the next Republican Presidential cabinbet, US Treassury Secretary might be where he could do the best of whatr's needed to save this country from the NWO, big corporations, banks, and the NWO controlled politicians !!!

The Middle East is impoortant but it's really part of the big diversion being perpetrated against the American people by the NWO-ruling-elite to keep them from catching on

that the big one to be watching and defending the USA from is China by way of a Russian-China oil-nartural gas pact alliance and not using the US SSS anymore as the world currency by 2012-2015 !!!

Russia now has the largest oil and natural gas reserves because of their on land deep drilling, 42,000 feet down !!!

Stop importing from China, OPEC-Venezuela, India, Mexico, central-south-America.

Or else !!!
LAPhil Wrote: Feb 27, 2011 12:42 PM
I hope for the sake of the Republican Party they don't listen to conspiracy-mongers like you in 2012. "Communist Chinese spy Bill Clinton?" Really!
Michael Wrote: Feb 26, 2011 11:25 AM
Dave, here is the answer you wouldn't let Rand Paul give:
As much as liberals love the class warfare tactic, the debate is not about upper vs. middle class, its about the public sector vs. private sector.
Remember, when business negotiates a contract, both the business and the vendor are present at the bargaining table. When public employee unions negotiate with politicians, the taxpayer is largely unrepresented.
Most public schools have had massive amounts of (public) money thrown at them and the proficiency results have worsened. In the private sector, these kind of results mean bankruptcy, loss of jobs and loss of investment. Failure in the public sector, that means re-finance (increase) the debt and charge higher taxes.
The less money (tax) the private sector has to pay the government (public sector), means more innovation, motivation, investment, economic growth, jobs, esteem, freedom and wealth for our society. The more we pay in tax also means more waste and inefficiency. Remember, throwing more money at Wisconsin schools has led to 67% of students not being able to read proficiently.
It was fun to watch you, Dave, when I was in college. Things were easy, you made me laugh, and I new nothing about the struggles of real life. However, based on the above interview with Rand Paul, I am shocked at your stupidity.
The thing is, as government doesn't live in the real world and neither do multi millionaire entertainers like yourself. For all the wealth you've created, you've wasted your life because of your lack of curiosity, exploration and personal growth.
Rand Paul did well against your ideology and I'm thankful for him and people like him, to lead our nation back to prosperity. So, you just sit back and collect your paycheck and check your bank statements. We'll do the necessary hard work to fix this country. Oh, and by the way, if you think the rich should pay more tax, the US Treasury (and the states) take voluntary contributions, in addition to the taxes you already pay.
DocForesight Wrote: Feb 26, 2011 1:16 PM
@Michael -- Excellent post! I, too, found Letterman entertaining in the 70's and 80's while pre-occupied with school and just beginning a career. It appears his liberal ideology is so ingrained that he just cannot or will not question his premises, despite all available facts. That would lead me to think he's just intellectually lazy and incurious. Or he's playing off his comedian shtick trying to be semi-serious without the heft to pull it off. Johnny Carson -- where are you? We need you.

Sen. Rand Paul joins Tom Coburn, John Barrasso and quite a number of House members on the Repub side who are either MD's in private practice or allied health care providers who know first-hand what ObamaCare will do to interfere with and diminish the level of care available. They also know what it's like to run a business with the myriad agencies, insurances and requirements to provide documentation, privacy and rationale for services charged. The Dems have no one to balance this out -- unless you count Trial Lawyers as the opposing weight.
Wayne Wrote: 21 hours ago (2:55 PM)
Damn this site is full of brilliant posts! By the time I got to this website, the video had been pulled. It doesn't matter, though. I've seen enough of Rand Paul to be impressed, but I haven't seen enough of Dave Letterman, yet, to realize his comic wit that apparently impresses a lot of people.

A liberal once asked me "Why do you think the brilliant professors and teachers of this Country tend to support Democrats on a consistant basis?" Of course exercising his right to free speech (not mine), the fellow just kept right on talking as if not expecting an answer. One can only hope the dear fellow is paying attention to what is going on right now, in case he was still looking for an answer to his question.
Kevlar Wrote: Feb 25, 2011 7:39 PM
In all seriousness, I had no idea Letterman was that shallow. His econ knowledge is no higher than middle school. Doesn't everybody know that schools don't get better with more money?
John Wrote: Feb 25, 2011 7:12 PM
Now I see why I stopped watching Letterman 25 years ago....What a dolt! Rand could have done a much better job by asking one simple question " Dave, after your taxes are paid..Do you write a check to the federal government and ask that it be applied to education funds?"
John Wrote: Feb 25, 2011 6:57 PM
Why did Rand dress up like the Letterman of 20-25 years ago? Same hair, pants, and sport jacket