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Royal Palm Ballroom Wrote: May 09, 2011 6:42 PM
Golly - and this all because of those Democrats.

Those Democrats took majorities in the House and Senate in January 2007 and how the great and wonderful George W Bush was helpless to stop their spending jihad.

The Decider guy didn't realize that Veto Powers wasn't an Italian dictator until it was too late.

If only our Little Paulie Ryan was there to at least speak out about all that crazy spending.

Oh, wait, Little Paulie Ryan has been in Congress since 1998. He voted FOR No Child Left Behind and Medicare Part D.

But he's changed now - don't you believe him?
hwaet Wrote: May 09, 2011 11:13 PM
I'm always flabbergasted at you Democrats who raged and screamed at the deficits that were run up (mostly by a unanimous Democrat bloc assisted by a number of liberal Republicans, enough to pass large spending bills) under Bush (yes, shame on him for signing those budgets which conservatives opposed, but the press never bothered reporting that) and you lumped all of us in with the spendthrifts and lied about our "supporting" those huge increases in spending.

Yet when the Democrats seized control of Congress in 2007 they ramped up spending, increasing the deficit massively. You kept griping at US, for some reason. Then Obama seized power and installed his spending brokers and again, you keep griping at us. The deficit now is three times what it was under Bush, and you keep griping at us, berating the same people you did before, about the same issue--deficits before 2007.

With spending so accelerated under Pelosi and Obama, you're silent. The problem has tripled, but you keep battering on Republicans.

Where is your voice against the current insanity, you hypocrites?
hwaet Wrote: May 09, 2011 11:16 PM
Your attempt to discredit someone by throwing the word "little" in front of his name is pathetic. Address the issues and quit trying to belittle someone into silence.
vulcan Wrote: May 09, 2011 5:43 PM
These kids have everything. If they have to pay a bit more so we can have healthcare, housing, food stamps, funded abortions, make sure artists that cannot sell their art get paid lots of money, spend 2 million a day for michelle obama's vacations, built high speed rails that will cost 10,000 taxpayer dollars per mile for every mile they run, pay for barney frank's pimping house, make memorials to dead kennedy, spend 500 million to build mosques overseas so they can plan attacks against us.

What ungrateful bastards they are if they complain. Obama knows what is best for America and it's people. Racists troublemakers all.
Don't Tread On Me Wrote: May 10, 2011 9:17 AM
Don't forget the cowboy poetry.