Townhall Video   Rangel Lashes Out: I Don’t Deal in ‘Average American Citizens’

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Rochesternative Wrote: Dec 06, 2010 7:44 PM
Rangle's crimes should have resulted in more than censure. He should have been sent home.
Carolyn L. Wrote: Dec 06, 2010 11:17 AM
NOBODY "went after" Charlie Rangel. His crimes were of such long duration and so obvious that his fellow members of Congress could not ignore them except at their own peril - of being questioned by their constituents and risking their own longevity in office. This reporter was either inexperienced or intimidated by Rangel. She should have sounded more confident and simplified her question.
Nancy Wrote: Dec 06, 2010 10:00 AM
Thank you for asking the question. Too bad he wasn't speaking into the mike.
ron Wrote: Dec 06, 2010 8:55 AM

So, a criminal is not a criminal until he or she is caught and Rangel was someone's scapegoat. You have a weird sense of justice.
ron Wrote: Dec 06, 2010 8:51 AM
A criminal is still a criminal. If any average citizen committed crimes similar our Congressional people the average citizen would be tried, convicted, and sent to jail. These so-called elite of the society think they are special but they are not. The problem is the American people are not well informed and the society of Congress keeps America in the dark on purpose. They know is ' We The People', ever found out what kind of crooks and degenerates we have running the country they would be rounded up and jailed immediately. Rangel is a criminal and censure is not enough for the likes of him or all the other criminals we elected to office.

Ron From--Conservatism Upper Division Studies--
Enderdog Wrote: Dec 06, 2010 8:34 AM
I have to agree with Charlie. He doesn't know anything about "average". He's way above average on the criminality scale. Of course he probably thinks he is less criminal than most, since he only deals with people who are way below average on the morality scale. How could he possibly think any differently? His entire adult life experience shows him that that is simply how things work. And to be taken to task on a few measly hundreds of thousands of dollars, when millions change hands on a daily basis, must seem incredibly petty to him. How dare they slap his wrists!
PhillupSpace Wrote: Dec 06, 2010 4:20 AM
I too, have, on several occasions, asked how the Congress,(and, of course, 90% of his Harlem, Powell constituents) could rush to the aid or Charlie Rangel who should know the tax laws better than anyone else, when Wesley Snipes, also a man of color, is required to report to prison to do hard time for violating the very laws Rangel's committe wrote!

It reminds me of the flood of Government personnel, even the justice department and Secretary of State who rushed to the Whitehouse to console and declare approval of Clinton after he was found guilty of perjury!!!

How can hyporacy rise to a higher level? Answer, It can't. It can only be more frequently displayed with the appropriate middle finger to those outside of the Banana Republic.
anders Wrote: Dec 05, 2010 5:53 PM
His condescension is matched only by his hubris and his gigantic sense of entitlement.
Dave Wrote: Dec 05, 2010 11:17 AM
With the scumbag Rangel as well as tax-cheat Geitner leading the charge, there should never be another worry about not paying your taxes. The examples are being set. A good defense attorney would tear government charges apart in a court of law.
Alan Wrote: Dec 05, 2010 11:11 AM
Of course he "doesn't deal in average american citizens"...he represents Harlem for crying out loud. This SOB is the poster child for politics run amok. Everyone has a 'judgement day', his will not be pretty.
Respite Wrote: Dec 05, 2010 10:05 AM
No Chuckie, you don't understand the question because you don't want to answer the question.

Come on Charlie, you know you want to tell anyone that asks this, " Hey listen mf'ers, I write the laws so I don't have to obey them if I don't wanna!"
richard Wrote: Dec 04, 2010 7:05 PM
The difference here is the moral bankruptcy of the black race. Rangel was recently reelected with 85% of the vote from his district, AFTER being exposed. The curse of Ham.
A. B. NORMAL Wrote: Dec 04, 2010 5:05 PM
go charlie, try again to bring back the military draft.

too many democrat tax cheats.

nan did not drain the swamp. where would she and the party hide?

Lancaster, Taxifornia
push 1 for english ONLY in the USA gringos
Evelyn Wrote: Dec 04, 2010 1:51 PM
This man is such a loser. He is a thief and like most of the politicians think their way of stealing if fine. Especially if they don't get caught. I think he should have been expelled from duty. I would not have a person such as this with no ethics and moral decency working for me and I would be fired if I had done what this man has done. The IRS would have taken my home. Evelyn
ClaireSolt Wrote: Dec 04, 2010 1:43 PM
The premise is faulty. Most crimes are not punished at all. People who get caught are the exception, not the rule. I have wondered who went after Rangel and why. Sure did not look random to me. Maybe it was Zuckerman and his motive was a Pulitzer prize.
lara Wrote: Dec 04, 2010 1:51 PM
So, the only people who should be prosecuted are those people who committed a crime for which EVERY person who committed that same crime was caught and prosecuted?

Heaven help us, you are voting and having children.
dontubelieveit Wrote: Dec 04, 2010 10:19 AM
The average American already knows this. Of course he doesn't deal with average hard working and principled citizens of this country. He caters (not just deals with) - CATERS to the criminal aspect in society. And to them, he IS average. There was also no surprise when he couldn't follow the question. Not just arrogant - but ignorant as well.
Sharon Wrote: Dec 04, 2010 9:03 AM
Charlie Rangle: noun ; definition Arrogant
Ed Wrote: Dec 04, 2010 8:50 AM
Charles Rangkle
STILL does not understand what he has done wrong. Been doing this all his life; been voted back in office many, many times by very ignorant voters in New York City and took advantage of that. You don't have to stop to think WHY New York State is in the shape it's in now. Arrogance? When he himself says he doesn't deal with the"average American citizen"
Valerie Wrote: Dec 05, 2010 7:40 AM
You don't understand the mindset. The same folks used to vote Adam Clayton Powell, Sr. into office regularly knowing what he was - an immoral thief. They have also voted his son into Congress but I know nothing about him other than that he was voted in on his father's name. Black politicians from places like Harlem or other "black communities" do not find criminality a detriment. Indeed, it is a badge of honor because the ignorant and, yes, RACIST voters think that old Charlie is getting hunk on The Man and they only wish that they were in a position to do the same thing. They don't see it in terms of right or wrong; indeed, one wonders if that concept even occurs to most of them. They see it as the best man is the fellow who can get away with the most crimes against white society. As long as your constituents see life in those terms, criminals like Rangel will infest our government structures. It's not for nothing that originally, only property owners and literate folks were allowed to vote. The first had a stake in what was best for the community and not just voting for their personal welfare and the second were generally smart enough to avoid being hoodwinked by the cheats and crooks. Maybe it's time to go back to making voting a privilege extended to decent, intelligent and public-minded citizens. It would certainly cull the present pool of "voters" - yes, even the dead ones and Rangel voters.