Ross Mackenzie

Ross Mackenzie

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How to Define Contemporary Liberalism?

By Ross Mackenzie (Apr 28, 2011)

With key institutions grown effete, standards of right and wrong descend into a moral miasma of relativistic goo. So today, with more Americans knowing about Miley Cyrus... more

Institutional Collapse and Flight From the Printed Word

By Ross Mackenzie (Apr 21, 2011)

What are some principal developments and changes witnessed during a 30-year career in syndication -- indeed, a 46-year career in the newspaper business? Man on the... more

Catalysts, and Leaning Into the Liberal Wind

By Ross Mackenzie (Apr 19, 2011)

The catalyst for a career in writing may have been Miss Krenwinkel -- my 8th-grade teacher at Skokie School in Winnetka, Ill. Along about November, she informed my parents I... more

Guess the Largest Contributor to November Congressional Races

By Ross Mackenzie (Mar 31, 2011)

Comments on issues currently in the news....--At stake in November were 472 congressional seats (37 Senate seats and all 435 House seats). A record 42 doctors were candidates... more

Quotables By Ajami, Ali, Moore, Williams, Palin, Thatcher, Etc.

By Ross Mackenzie (Mar 24, 2011)

A selection of quotations about issues in the news.... Johns Hopkins University professor Fouad Ajami: "(In Ronald Reagan) there was never narcissism or a bloated sense of... more

Obama's Greatest Failing of All?

By Ross Mackenzie (Mar 17, 2011)

Takes on items in the news -- mostly about Barack Obama and his administration.... --Will the President's passivity regarding Libya -- his refusal at least to declare a... more

Win the Future or Cement Ourselves in the Past?

By Ross Mackenzie (Mar 10, 2011)

Suddenly, the Libyan turmoil and its subsequent Obamian abdication of leadership have led -- again -- to heightened fears about America's energy future. The national average... more

'The Simpsons' in Illinois, the Seductress, the Kiss of Judas

By Ross Mackenzie (Mar 03, 2011)

A March mixture of comments about items in the news.... OK, so you voted for Barack Obama and still support him. If you like his over-the-top enthusiasm for... more

Islamofascism, the Internet, and the Liberty Contagion

By Ross Mackenzie (Feb 17, 2011)

On Egypt et al. let us be very clear. Joy at the expansion of liberty -- maybe even of democracy -- is the only defensible sentiment. Any policy based on regime... more

ObamaCare and the Islamist Movement

By Ross Mackenzie (Feb 03, 2011)

The week has brought two potentially future-altering stories -- one out of Florida, the other out of the Middle East. In Pensacola, Federal District Judge Roger Vinson... more

On Selling Change When Trust Is Gone

By Ross Mackenzie (Jan 27, 2011)

Didn't you think the president gave a marvelous State of the Union address? He was so, you know, civil. Americans may crave civility, but they crave honesty more. Are... more

On China, Tucson, Delta, Chicago, Illinois, Reid, Etc.

By Ross Mackenzie (Jan 13, 2011)

How's it going in the new year? Let's see.... --Defense Secretary Robert Gates ventured to China for strategic negotiations. But the Chinese largely stiffed him. They... more

Econ Quotes: By Lipsky, Palin, Forbes, Malpass, Meltzer, Ruff, Etc.

By Ross Mackenzie (Jan 06, 2011)

Quotes on the economy as the new year begins..... David Malpass, global economist: "In its first days, the new Congress has to act on the understanding that this is... more