Obama's Regulatory Tsunami More Destructive than Taxes

As Obama travels about the country, speaking of the need  for  “shared sacrifice” and the need to increase taxes, he doesn’t say a word about the tsunami of new Obama regulations ranging from light bulbs to ozone pollution to painkillers to foreign travel to vending machines that is about to hit America.  Their impact will be huge and do serious damage to our economy. 

Obama's regulatory tsunami began during his first month in office and has continued relentlessly since.  Each week, new, more intrusive rules are rolled out, some through Executive Order, but many issued from federal agencies, often without any fanfare or publicity.  In every month since his inauguration, President Obama has heaped regulations on unsuspecting Americans, non-profit organizations, large and small businesses.  

You can argue that some of these new regulations are not destructive to our economy, but just look at the number of regulations.   Their range, their grasp and their intrusiveness into American life is staggering.  And to think, several thousand new pages of new regulatory guidelines and added bureaucracy are still being drafted by the Obama Administration as required by healthcare, recovery act, financial reform, small business and TARP legislation.  These new regulations will be piled atop the Mt. Everest pile of regulations Obama has already produced.

January 2009-Housing Voucher regulations

February 2009-PLA (Project Labor Agreements) forcing government contractors to provide bids that show union labor as a component.

March 2009-Stem Cell regulations

April 2009-Hedge Fund regulations

May 2009-EPA issues new fuel standards

June 2009-Regulations issued to influence Venture Capital activity

July 2009-EPA Training requirements for workers on building renovation projects

August 2009-E-Rule (electronic rulemaking) regulation

September 2009-EPA issues ozone pollution regulations

October 2009-Greenhouse gas reporting requirements