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Larry Kudlow

Larry Kudlow

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Are We Done in Afghanistan?

By Larry Kudlow (May 05, 2011)

In the aftermath of the killing of Osama bin Laden, I found myself agreeing with Charles Krauthammer that this was a global game-changer for American greatness. It was a... more

Stagflation: It's Back

By Larry Kudlow (Apr 29, 2011)

Stagflation officially returned today with a nasty GDP report that showed only 1.8 percent real growth, but 3.8 percent for the consumer spending deflator. It’s a mini... more

Gold Slams Bernanke

By Larry Kudlow (Apr 28, 2011)

Fed head Ben Bernanke, at his first-ever news conference on Wednesday, slammed the door shut on any new QE3 pump-priming. The $600 billion QE2 program to purchase bonds... more

The Left Hates Oil Companies

By Larry Kudlow (Apr 27, 2011)

When oil prices blew sky high in 2008, ExxonMobil paid $36.5 billion in income taxes, $34.5 billion in sales taxes, and $45 billion in other taxes, for a total of $116.2... more

Recovery is Mother's Milk for Stocks

By Larry Kudlow (Apr 22, 2011)

As I’ve written many times before, profits are the mother's milk of stocks, and for that matter, business and the entire economy. And what we witnessed this week in the big... more

We Spend Too Much and Grow Too Little

By Larry Kudlow (Apr 21, 2011)

Treasury man Tim Geithner was optimistic today about getting a deal on the budget deficit and raising the debt ceiling. In particular, he was confident that in the next few... more

Is "Risk On" Trade Over?

By Larry Kudlow (Apr 20, 2011)

There’s a lot of talk right now about U.S. credit downgrades and whether we can possibly get a Washington budget deal that actually controls spending and borrowing. Stocks... more

Tax and Debt Bomb

By Larry Kudlow (Apr 14, 2011)

We thought tax reform meant lowering rates and broadening the base by eliminating or cutting back on various deductions, credits, and loopholes. That’s what the... more

The Debt Bomb Is Coming Due

By Larry Kudlow (Apr 12, 2011)

White House press secretary Jay Carney said Republicans should not “play chicken with the economy.”  The administration wants a prompt vote to raise the federal debt... more

Shutdown Threat Is Not All that Ails the Dollar

By Larry Kudlow (Apr 08, 2011)

Washington shutdown fears are sinking the U.S. dollar, according to some news reports. Surely there’s something to this, as investor confusion rises and confidence falls, and... more

Paul Ryan's Growth Budget

By Larry Kudlow (Apr 06, 2011)

Of all the discussion about Paul Ryan’s big-bang budget plan, the element I like best was caught in this Wall Street Journal op-ed title: “The GOP Path to Prosperity.” ... more

Grant's Cure for Inflation: Restore dollar-gold convertibility

By Larry Kudlow (Apr 05, 2011)

I recently had the pleasure of speaking with James Grant, the founder of Grant’s Interest Rate Observer. He called the bubble in the 2000s. Right now he’s worried about a... more

A Reelection Jobs Report? If so, thank the GOP

By Larry Kudlow (Apr 02, 2011)

Did the big March jobs report put President Obama back on the road to reelection? If so, he can thank the GOP, whose tax cuts saved him from himself. You could hear... more

Full-Throttle Drill, Drill, Drill

By Larry Kudlow (Mar 31, 2011)

If you buy into the energy speech President Obama delivered on Wednesday, it sure sounds like we’re headed for drill, drill, drill. It would be a total reversal of... more

Reaganomics Key to Growth Then, Now

By Larry Kudlow (Mar 30, 2011)

Last week I had the honor and privilege of participating in the Reagan Centennial celebration here in New York City. It was truly a wonderful event put together by the... more

The Gasoline-Driver Inflation Hike

By Larry Kudlow (Mar 28, 2011)

Last week, the Commerce Department revised real GDP up to 3.1 percent for the fourth quarter of last year. That was some cause for joy in the stock market. But today we saw... more

Cantor's Pro-Growth Call

By Larry Kudlow (Mar 24, 2011)

Economic growth over the past ten years has been less than 2 percent annually. And this is a mighty soft economic recovery going on right now, following the very deep... more

Q1 Slowdown: Caveat Emptor

By Larry Kudlow (Mar 23, 2011)

Caveat emptor: The first-quarter economy is slowing and inflation is rising. A month ago, economists were optimistic about the potential for 4 percent growth. Now they are... more

Hope From Japan

By Larry Kudlow (Mar 18, 2011)

Better news from the Japan crisis today, as the nuclear power company Tepco appears to be on track to complete a power line to the Fukushima nuclear power plant this... more

Unknown Unknowns

By Larry Kudlow (Mar 11, 2011)

Stocks got slammed today. The Dow dropped 228 points as the much anticipated correction appears to be taking hold. Year-to-date, the broadest index, the S&P; 500, is still up... more

Government Gone Wild: One-on-One with Paul Ryan

By Larry Kudlow (Mar 10, 2011)

LARRY KUDLOW, host: Now there's a story raging on right now that is telling the truth about government handouts, Social Security, Medicare, unemployment... more

Stocks Diss Oil, for Now

By Larry Kudlow (Mar 06, 2011)

Big economic-growth stats are trumping oil prices and the Mideast tinderbox. In optimistic trading on Thursday, stocks soared nearly 200 Dow points. Oil barely fell to just... more

Government Shutdown? So What?

By Larry Kudlow (Mar 04, 2011)

According to news reports, Team Obama and House Republicans are at least $50 billion apart in the budget negotiations for FY2011. I’m willing to bet that Team Obama and... more

The Madison Disgrace

By Larry Kudlow (Feb 18, 2011)

The Democratic/government-union days of rage in Madison, Wis., are a disgrace. Wisconsin congressman Paul Ryan calls it Cairo coming to Madison. But the protesters in Egypt... more

Obama = Reagan?

By Larry Kudlow (Feb 12, 2011)

A week after Ronald Reagan’s 100th birthday celebration, comparisons between presidents Obama and Reagan continue. The conversation began when Obama praised Reagan in... more

January's Unemployment Report Was a Snow Job

By Larry Kudlow (Feb 10, 2011)

The January employment report was a complete snow job. Abominable winter blizzards across the country caused 886,000 workers to report "not at work due to bad weather,"... more

Bernanke and Ethanol Sink Egypt

By Larry Kudlow (Feb 01, 2011)

Decades of autocratic government and a lack of free elections are, of course, the main drivers of the political upheaval in Egypt. But did the sinking dollar and... more

My Interview with Governor Chris Christie

By Larry Kudlow (Jan 28, 2011)

Governor Chris Christie, welcome to The KUDLOW REPORT. We're honored, sir. Governor CHRIS CHRISTIE: Happy to be here, Larry. Thanks. KUDLOW: All right. I really... more

Christie: Showing Washington How to Get It Done

By Larry Kudlow (Jan 26, 2011)

New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie expressed disappointment in President Obama’s failure to commit to aggressive budget cuts and entitlement reform in last night’s State of the... more

Mr. Investment

By Larry Kudlow (Jan 25, 2011)

In his State of the Union message tonight, President Obama is likely to call for some kind of corporate tax reform. But don’t look for him to be a budget-cutter. As we... more

GE's Immelt on the Hot Seat

By Larry Kudlow (Jan 24, 2011)

Can GE CEO Jeffrey Immelt talk President Obama into a major corporate tax cut? Immelt has been appointed to the new Council on Jobs and Competitiveness, which replaces the... more

How to Combat an Arrogant China? Maximize economic growth at home.

By Larry Kudlow (Jan 19, 2011)

Is there a new Cold War developing between China and the United States? That’s a question hovering over President Hu Jintao and his entourage as they come to Washington to... more

Stocks Say We’re Healing; Prices Say Look Out

By Larry Kudlow (Jan 17, 2011)

U.S. economic recovery continues to look better, according to the stock market and a boatload of economic stats last week. Stocks jumped 133 points on the Dow, which hit a... more

Good Daley News

By Larry Kudlow (Jan 08, 2011)

President Obama marks another milestone in his post-election move to the center by appointing pro-business Democrat William E. Daley to the powerful post of White House chief... more

Washington Goes Supply-Side

By Larry Kudlow (Jan 06, 2011)

“Stop the bad stuff” is what John Boehner told a bunch of us at breakfast a few weeks before the election. That’s how he defined the GOP mission. Now he’s Speaker. And... more

Supply-Side Obama?

By Larry Kudlow (Jan 04, 2011)

The past is not always a prologue to the future. But looking at some of the big winners and losers of 2010 does provide some strong hints of a positive 2011. The... more