Townhall Columnists Ed Feulner

Ed Feulner


A Better Way to Reform Welfare

By Ed Feulner (Apr 07, 2011)

When President Clinton signed landmark welfare-reform legislation in 1996, he said it would “end welfare as we know it.” Wrong verb. More accurately, it... more

School Choice: A Real Test Awaits

By Ed Feulner (Mar 30, 2011)

Imagine you could buy a car at only one dealership. Shop for clothes at only one outlet. Buy food at only one grocery store. What kind of service would you... more

A Grim Prognosis

By Ed Feulner (Mar 24, 2011)

Ever heard a doctor talk about the value of “early detection” with certain medical conditions? The idea, of course, is to catch a disorder before it progresses too far, and... more

Dealing With 'Real Enemies'

By Ed Feulner (Mar 18, 2011)

"We have real enemies in the world. These enemies must be found. They must be pursued, and they must be defeated." That was Barack Obama, speaking at the 2004 Democratic... more

DOMA Deserves a Defense

By Ed Feulner (Mar 10, 2011)

It was never an easy relationship. For a while, though, the Defense of Marriage Act and the Obama administration managed to live together. Then the administration walked out,... more

Ruled by Regulation

By Ed Feulner (Mar 02, 2011)

How much fuel your car burns. What type of light bulb you buy. How much energy your appliances use. What kind of health plan you have. What do they have in common? Meet... more

Dark Days for Solar Power

By Ed Feulner (Feb 25, 2011)

Ever heard of the Solyndra solar-cell plant in Fremont, Calif.? Most people haven’t. That’s a shame, considering how much taxpayer money has been poured into... more

TSA and Big Labor: A Bad Union

By Ed Feulner (Feb 17, 2011)

There are many ways to improve air travel. Unionizing the TSA isn’t one of them. Until recently, the Transportation Security Administration was operating under a very... more

A Costly Way to “Help”

By Ed Feulner (Feb 09, 2011)

“I’m from the government, and I’m here to help.” Ronald Reagan called those “the nine most terrifying words in the English language” -- and with good reason. Nowhere do we... more

Reagan's True Legacy

By Ed Feulner (Feb 02, 2011)

It’s been more than six years since our nation bid farewell to Ronald Reagan, born 100 years ago this month. Yet it seems at times as though he never left. Consider how... more

Still Not Making the Grade

By Ed Feulner (Jan 28, 2011)

“I’ve seen the people at 4 o’clock in the morning, waiting, hoping that they would win a seat for their child in a better school. This is not fair. Parents deserve more... more

Restoring Economic Freedom

By Ed Feulner (Jan 20, 2011)

Suppose a quiz show host were to ask: “What country enjoys the most economic freedom?” Most Americans probably wouldn’t even hesitate before answering, “The United States.”... more

Fight for the Filibuster

By Ed Feulner (Jan 13, 2011)

“Filibuster” is not a dirty word. This may seem an obvious point. But it’s worth noting, given the campaign now underway on Capitol Hill to severely curtail a practice... more

2011: The Promise and the Pitfalls

By Ed Feulner (Jan 05, 2011)

It’s an exciting time for conservatives. Also a dangerous one. On the one hand, we have opportunities aplenty now, thanks in large part to liberal overreach. An overzealous... more

Conservative Solutions for All

By Ed Feulner (Jan 03, 2011)

Here’s what we heard in many end-of-the-year retrospectives: 2010 emerged as the Year of the Conservative Voter. And it’s true. Fed up with health care “reform,” runaway... more