Cal  Thomas

Cal Thomas

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Wedding of the ... What?

By Cal Thomas (Apr 28, 2011)

Count me among the abstainers. I won't be watching over-the-top media coverage of Friday's wedding between Prince William and the "commoner" Kate Middleton. After the... more

No Trump

By Cal Thomas (Apr 21, 2011)

In bridge, a trump card is held in reserve for winning a trick. In politics, Donald Trump is anything but reserved and appears to think he might trick enough voters to win... more

Caring Enough to Broadcast the Very Best

By Cal Thomas (Apr 20, 2011)

Growing up, "Hallmark Hall of Fame" represented the gold standard of what we would call today "family values" television, except that TV then rarely carried anything... more

Choosey About Choice

By Cal Thomas (Apr 19, 2011)

The Democratic mayor of Washington, D.C., Vincent Gray, distinguished himself last week by getting arrested in an act of "civil disobedience" reminiscent of the '60s. The... more

Atlas Shrugged: The Movie

By Cal Thomas (Apr 14, 2011)

Twenty-nine years after her death, novelist Ayn Rand is coming to a theater near you. After many failed attempts, her 1957 novel "Atlas Shrugged" has been made into a... more

A Life Lesson

By Cal Thomas (Apr 12, 2011)

ARCHBOLD, Ohio -- Here in Middle America, where farmland extends to the horizon, I pass an inspirational yard sign: "Self-Control: Having a Life Purpose Bigger Than... more

A Winning Choice

By Cal Thomas (Apr 07, 2011)

HOUSTON -- On the day of the NCAA men's basketball final, the Supreme Court handed down a decision that is likely to produce champions for generations to come. By... more

Spreading Wealth the Right Way

By Cal Thomas (Apr 05, 2011)

During the 2008 presidential campaign when candidate Barack Obama told "Joe the Plumber" that he wanted to "spread the wealth around," it sounded to a lot of conservatives... more

Breaking Trust

By Cal Thomas (Mar 31, 2011)

Let us have a "time out" from the wars and upheavals in the Middle East to consider another war taking place in too many of our homes. That would be the war against our... more

A Gift for the Obvious

By Cal Thomas (Mar 29, 2011)

If there were an award for stating the obvious when it comes to the Middle East, it would go to The New York Times. On its front page last Friday, the newspaper ran a story... more

Norman Who?

By Cal Thomas (Mar 24, 2011)

Norman Braman is not your typical billionaire car dealer. Nor is he your typical establishment Republican, who too often puts party above principle. Norman Braman is the type... more

War Number Three

By Cal Thomas (Mar 22, 2011)

Libya's recently resigned ambassador to the U.S., Ali Aujali, is optimistic about the outcome of the bombing of his country. He tells me he thinks dictator Moammar Gadhafi... more

The Japan Syndrome

By Cal Thomas (Mar 17, 2011)

In the 1979 movie "The China Syndrome," reporter Kimberly Wells (played by Jane Fonda) witnesses an accident at a nuclear power plant and then uncovers a plot to keep it a... more

National Pathetic Radio

By Cal Thomas (Mar 15, 2011)

If the resignations at National Public Radio continue at last week's pace, there may be no need for Congress to defund the aging dinosaur, because there will be no one left... more

Hunting for Terrorists, not Witches

By Cal Thomas (Mar 10, 2011)

In Times Square last Sunday, an estimated 1,000 people gathered to protest the March 10 hearings before Rep. Peter King's Committee on Homeland Security entitled "The Extent... more

Time to Rethink Arab Arms Sales

By Cal Thomas (Mar 08, 2011)

For many years American policy has been to sell modern weaponry to Arab states. The reasons given are to maintain the "balance of power" in the region, but the unstated and... more

Evolutionary Law

By Cal Thomas (Mar 01, 2011)

President Obama has said his view of same-sex "marriage" is "evolving." Apparently he thinks that the law should be based on a kind of Darwinian jurisprudence which allows it... more


By Cal Thomas (Feb 22, 2011)

When three-fourths of the Boston police department went on strike in 1919, leading to broken shop windows and looting, then-Massachusetts Governor Calvin Coolidge called out... more

Smoke, Mirrors and Other Deceptions

By Cal Thomas (Feb 17, 2011)

On the home page of the Office of Management and Budget website, President Obama is quoted: "Rather than fight the same tired battles that have dominated Washington for... more

Egypt's Dim Future

By Cal Thomas (Feb 15, 2011)

The events of recent days in Egypt offer a sober lesson to westerners who think the uprising that ousted President Hosni Mubarak resembles the American Revolution. Much of... more

Told You So

By Cal Thomas (Feb 11, 2011)

One of liberalism's many problems is that once an idea or program is proved wrong and unworkable, liberals rarely acknowledge their mistake and examine the root cause of... more

Told You So

By Cal Thomas (Feb 10, 2011)

One of liberalism's many problems is that once an idea or program is proved wrong and unworkable, liberals rarely acknowledge their mistake and examine the root cause of... more

Chicken Little and the Debt Ceiling

By Cal Thomas (Feb 08, 2011)

Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke seemed to be channeling Chicken Little when he warned congressional Republicans that any delay in raising the debt ceiling beyond the... more

The 40th President at 100

By Cal Thomas (Feb 03, 2011)

On the centenary of Ronald Reagan's birth, I pause for another historic event: agreement with President Obama, who says of his predecessor in USA Today, "Ronald Wilson Reagan... more

Egypt Aflame

By Cal Thomas (Feb 01, 2011)

The turmoil in Egypt must not be seen in isolation from other events in the world. Neither is it an aberration. It is the next scene in a long-running play whose final act is... more

Egypt Aflame

By Cal Thomas (Feb 01, 2011)

The turmoil in Egypt must not be seen in isolation from other events in the world. Neither is it an aberration. It is the next scene in a long-running play whose final act is... more

The Speech

By Cal Thomas (Jan 27, 2011)

In his State of the Union address, President Obama at times sounded like he was channeling Ronald Reagan: cutting the deficit, hailing private enterprise and individual... more

The Spending Cuts Challenge

By Cal Thomas (Jan 25, 2011)

By now those holiday bills have arrived. Those who have charged too much have cut back on spending until the bills are paid. Some have gone on the spending wagon, cutting... more

Thirty-Eight Years and 50 Million

By Cal Thomas (Jan 20, 2011)

When the leadership of the new Republican majority in the House of Representatives decided as their first act to have members read the U.S. Constitution aloud, there were... more

Contrasts in Black and Red

By Cal Thomas (Jan 18, 2011)

The contrast between what Illinois Democrats did last week and what Republicans have done in Indiana, Wisconsin, Iowa, Virginia and New Jersey, could not be... more

The Liberal Empire Strikes Back

By Cal Thomas (Jan 13, 2011)

The Left apparently has taken to heart the admonition of former White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel to "never let a serious crisis go to waste." In the aftermath of... more

Explaining Evil

By Cal Thomas (Jan 11, 2011)

In the aftermath of the senseless wounding of Representative Gabrielle Giffords, Democrat of Arizona, and the murder of six others, including U.S. District Judge John Roll... more

Let the Investigations Begin

By Cal Thomas (Jan 06, 2011)

Given the Democrats' track record of investigating Republican administrations, they will lack credibility when they protest Republicans investigating actions by the Obama... more

Constitutionalists vs. 'Interpretationists'

By Cal Thomas (Jan 04, 2011)

The new House Republican leadership is smart to inaugurate their return to power by reading aloud the U.S. Constitution on the House floor. Recalling America's founding... more