Townhall Video   What Happened to the Anti-War Movement?

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topperj Wrote: Mar 24, 2011 2:00 PM
The current government knows the enemy-the American people.
Deely Wrote: Mar 24, 2011 1:49 PM
Our government can't tell who the enemy is. They are like people lost and scared in the woods and they just shoot at whatever noise they hear.
curmudgeon Wrote: Mar 23, 2011 6:36 PM
what happened to the antiwar movement? it wasnt really an antiwar movement. it was an anti-responsibility movement. ultra liberals demonstrating against their own country. the anti war movement today is up to conservatives, and conservatives just arent up to the job. they have a hard time siding with our countries enemies, giving aid and comfort to the enemy, betraying the united states, and committing treason. dont worry about the "anti-war movement" it will be revived after 2012 if we are involved in any war, including obama's ridiculous war in libya. one day after the marines evict the traitor in chief from the white house after he loses the 2012 election, the "anti-war" movement will be just fine.
girl buddy Wrote: Mar 24, 2011 9:02 AM
I agree and the fact that al quieda (sp?) favors the no-fly zone is disturbing.
Cameron Wrote: Mar 25, 2011 12:24 AM
I'm sorry but this video and this comment is ridiculous. The only reason you're not seeing an anti-war movement is because you're not looking for it, you don't want to see it. On March 19th tens of thousands of protesters took the the streets of many major US cities. They protested not only our countries continued occupation of Iraq, the war in Afghanistan, the "war" in Pakistan that no one seems willing to admit is happening, but also the war in Libya that began that day. I also know of two anti-war protests here in Los Angeles set for this weekend that will focus on the Obama Administration's Libyan war. To think that hippies and anti-war believers are only active when a republican is in office is simply ignoring the facts and a blind partisan view of ideologies. To think that protesting war is irresponsible is hurtful and closed-minded to the extreme. The ability to protest things the government does peacefully is one of this countries greatest liberties.