Townhall Video   Sen. Rand Paul Smacks Down Environmental Nannies

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« Previous1Next » Wrote: 14 hours ago (1:04 AM)
MAN! What an butt kicking! She had no answer for the truth...AMAZING video!
USC Wrote: 16 hours ago (10:58 PM)
Liberals are bad news but they are what they are,

But the RINO's are the worst because they are such fakes-phoneys-frauds.

For example:

Bill Frist said about Obamacare:


"And those elements of Obamacare, whatever happens, need to be preserved, need to be cuddled, need to be snuggled, need to be promoted and need to be implemented."


I have to disagree with Bill filthy freakin RINO Frist. Obamacare needs to be punched, needs to be kicked, needs to be smacked down so hard that politicians for generations will fear even bringing up the subject.

I'm glad that the rumored to be a gay-homo, not making it up, is gone from the US Senate. Part of that rumor was that Frist who was the Senate Majority leader from 2003-2007 was going to run for President in 2008,

but that he dropped out because of his rumored gay-homo activities were starting to surface way more than he would be able to handle in the primary let alone a Presidential campaign !!!

Conservatives don't let rumored to be a deviant liberal-Obamacare-supporting-RINO Bill Frist anywhere near the US Government ever again !!!
Debora Wrote: 17 hours ago (9:41 PM)
I think the solution is simple, let them lead by example....let's measure the energy usage of the households of all the us congresscritters and senators across a year (all of their houses, not jjust the one they occupy in DC) and figure out .t their average use for any given month and set that as the national standard. Any household who uses less pays standard rates, anyone who uses more payes a higer rate for any usage over the standard. We could even give a discount for households that use 50% less than the "standard." (imagine if we used that "do as I do, not as I say mentality in other areas of legislation as well......)
Dorthy Wrote: 17 hours ago (9:17 PM)
And old is better. They cannot make the best anymore. It is too expensive.
Dorthy Wrote: 17 hours ago (9:15 PM)
Mod Mark at least admit that people have to flush more times. This isn't about saving the environment at all. This is about a company that bought some politicians so the politicians would use their power to force Americans to buy that company's product. In other words fascism.
Susan Wrote: 20 hours ago (6:34 PM)
God bless Sen. Paul for standing up to these bureaucrats that want to control our lives and take our right of choice away from us about what we can buy and use. I say away with these agencies that tell industries what they can produce and make it so we can no longer buy the products we want.
rdk Wrote: 22 hours ago (4:58 PM)
Senator Paul's point is that the marketplace should be making decisions and not some nameless and often clueless bureaucrat.
Dorthy Wrote: 17 hours ago (9:12 PM)
Clueless yet they find themselves to be so superior.
Mod Mark Wrote: Mar 13, 2011 1:16 PM
If Mr. Rand's toilets do not work, I suggest he examine how much crap he produces.

The 1.6 gallon models seem to be working for vast majority of Americans.

I wanted to buy a highly efficient Refrigerator instead of those old energy wasting models.

I wanted to buy a modern computer controlled, fuel injection engine which gets 30 mpg instead of those old 4 barrel card 464 cu in" engine which get 10 mpg

So I ask, why did I need congress to pass laws forcing the industry to produce energy efficient products I wanted to purchase?

Charles Wrote: Mar 13, 2011 1:43 PM
So I ask, what business is it of Congress to legislate consumer products? Sounds like good old-fashioned Government intrusion in our private affairs, with appurtenant cronyism for "politically correct" products, like Barney Frank and pals protecting FNMA and FHLMC crappy sup-prime mortgages.

Don't we want cronyism OUT of the private sector?
bachcole Wrote: 21 hours ago (5:29 PM)
Mod Mark, you seem to be completely missing the point. The point is that we are lost a little bit of freedom because the government has mandated 1.6 gallon per flush toilets. These regulations are everywhere. It should be obvious to the most casual observer that "regulation" is sort of any opposite to "freedom". We the people mouth freedom all the time, all day long, 24 by 7, but when it comes to knowing what freedom is all about, we seem to be clueless.
Dusty Wrote: 20 hours ago (6:31 PM)
The vast majority of Americans have older toilets that work; the rest flush two or three times thus using more water. If you like you can buy a composting waste disposal system but to answer your final question: You don't need congress to pass a law; industry does a better job of producing energy efficient products that actually work if they're left to their own devices.
Dorthy Wrote: 17 hours ago (9:14 PM)
Mod Mark at least admit you that people have to flush more times. This isn't about saving the environment at all. This is about a company that bought some politicians so the politicians would use their power to force Americans to buy that company's product. In other words fascism.
Nelson Wrote: Mar 13, 2011 1:11 PM
I thoroughly enjoyed Sen. Paul speaking truth to power. It's too bad he's the only one with the courage to do so.
bachcole Wrote: Mar 13, 2011 12:46 PM
Bravo, Rand Paul!!!!!!! You are the man. And you managed to say it nicely, which is something that I would have had trouble with.
AmHistory Teacher Wrote: Mar 13, 2011 11:50 AM
Rand Paul brings something fairly extinct is DC, common sense, which he uses to show how dictatorial regulation agencies via the Executive branch have become. The leftists/liberals/Democrats use these agencies to regulate what they cannot get passed in Congress.
I have stockpiled incandescent bulbs after being unable to find a single fluorescent bulb by which to read a night. Then of course, there's the environmental danger posed when fluorescent bulbs are discarded. I just wish I had bought a couple of pre-regulatory toilets if case mine should fail.
Rand Paul is presidential timber. And when elected I hope his Dad will head the Treasury Dept.
Hawkeye Wrote: Mar 13, 2011 6:20 AM
And Hogan laughs! remarks about the toilets,and on it goes.
That woman in the back round is very irritating to say the lease.I see her often.,.in the back round,laughing,talking,looking at her Black Berry,or,what,and why does the end up behind a speaker?Whit is her purpose?
USC Wrote: Mar 12, 2011 1:50 PM
We need to start arming ourselves with the facts of what those who are in control of all apects of the economics of our country have really done in the past and are still doing.

Every aspect of big business and banking that the US Congress controls; taxes, tax; laws, rules, codes, regulations, etc., US and State Congress; spending, budgeting, allocating, policies, programs, entightlements, mandatory spending, foreign aid, etc.

The time is now to take back our country back from the anti-American, pro-NWO-WTO-NAFTA; pro-China-Japan-Asia-OPEC-EU-Mexico; PC liberals-RINO's; Obama, Reid, Pelosi, Schumer, Boxer, lots of; RINO's, neocons, and liberal Judges !!!

A balanced budget amendment isn't enough.

We've got to force them all to follow the original intent of the US Constitution and States Rights !!!

When we start to drill our own oil again make sure that no foreign oil companies are allowed to do the work and that we the people get most of the benefits and profits from all of the oil; drilling, production, and profits.

We must all be aware of and stop foreign countries from using the trade deficit SSS which we have to borrow from them to pay for those deficits and also the high interest SSS that we pay them on those debts,

to buy up USA; assets, land, properties, buildings, companies, factories, US highways-toll roads, mineral mines, oil wells, oil shale lands, onshore and offshore oil drilling rights contracts, forest land, etc. !!!

Us foreign trade deficits 1999-2010
without interest payments:

Clinton: 1999 254-billion 2000 370-bln

GB-2: 2001 394 billion 2002 418-bln 2003 489-bln 2004 617-bln 2005 701-bln
2006 760-billion 2007 702-bln 2008 695-bln

Obama: 2009 381 billion 2010 497 billion

That's 6,378,000,000,000 SSS's

6-trillion-378-billion SSS Dollars, plus interest.

that we've had to borrow from foreign countries to pay off as US-foreign trade deficits plus interest since 1999.

We've got to stop importing from China:

1985 US-China trade deficit

3,855,700,000 | 3,861,700,000

-600 million dollars

2010 US-China trade deficit

91,878,300,000 | 364,943,800,000

joe kidd Wrote: Mar 12, 2011 12:58 PM
lee Wrote: Mar 12, 2011 10:11 AM
Walker, you ignorant dolt.
Rowdy Wrote: Mar 12, 2011 1:36 AM



Walker Wrote: Mar 11, 2011 11:29 PM
What a clown and a demagogue! Now we see why the Republicans and Conservatives are leading us from a vibrant democracy into a 3rd world country. He didn't say one intelligent thing. Just the typical string of Fox "news" propaganda. Basically, he is saying: "let's all stay ignorant and leave a waste land for our children and grand children."
Ress Wrote: Mar 11, 2011 11:35 PM
I don't see where you wrote one intelligent thing.
Joey Wrote: Mar 11, 2011 11:55 PM
Don't call Rand a me a clown!!! He is doing EXACTLY what I voted for him to do. Raise hell with every agency that comes before him in the Senate.
Now as for your statement....1. We are a Republic, not a Democracy.....2. Whether a Republic or Democracy we certainly aren't very vibrant and that is largely due to government's overreach into our society. 3. He supports conservation, but it smart enough to see the PHONY conservation directed by our government that in the long run does more harm to the world than good (i.e mercury in the new light bulbs, low flow toilets that have to be flushed multiple times to clear the waste). I pity that so many are admire and blindly trust a government that has proven time and time again that it is worthy of neither.
Rowdy Wrote: Mar 12, 2011 1:37 AM

You are a liar, a thief and a very ignorant person.

Rowdy Wrote: Mar 12, 2011 1:37 AM

You are a liar, a thief and a very ignorant person.

annfan Wrote: Mar 12, 2011 5:52 AM
He made perfect sense, and that's why you couldn't figure it out.
h20skier Wrote: Mar 12, 2011 10:50 AM

If you call a vibrant economy as one that has 9% unemployment plus another 7% to 9% underemployed or giving up looking for work then we have a vibrant economy. If you call a vibrant economy where gas is quickly approaching 4 dollars a gallon then you are right. If you call a vibrant economy where growth is less than 1/2 of what normally happens after a recession then we have one. If you call a vibrant economy when the government has to borrow 40 cents of every dollar it spends then you are correct. Obama and the Democrats have added over 5.3 trillion to the national debt since taking over Congress in January 2007. What a great job they are doing.
DocForesight Wrote: Mar 12, 2011 11:40 AM
A "demagogue"? Not so much. As Edgar correctly points out, minimum standards are fine as long as they are justifiable (a 1.6 gal per flush toilet is not a justifiable standard because it does not efficiently accomplish the task) and verifiable evidence supports that standard. What part of "I support conservation" did you not understand? Where in that statement does he advocate to "stay ignorant and leave a waste land for our children"? Nowhere. You, sir, are the clown.

Perhaps your moniker ought to be "Stumbler", as you seem to stumble over basic logic and common sense.
h20skier Wrote: Mar 11, 2011 11:04 PM
The more I hear Rand Paul the more I like him. He should run for president because he could tear apart Obama in any debate.
Carlos Wrote: Mar 11, 2011 11:13 PM
I see nothing wrong with good old common sense.
Edgar Wrote: Mar 11, 2011 8:09 PM
The good Senator voices the same words I have heard almost daily from my fellow contractors for 15 years. Not a bad presentation for a suit and tie guy! Even some building inspectors apologize for insisting that new, expensive, and mostly ineffective measures be used.

Standards, fine. Bend over and take it in the shorts by some study group who have never gotten their hands dirty, hired by government... not so fine.

Carry On, Rand!
wdwrkr Wrote: Mar 13, 2011 12:28 PM
Standards are fine for safety-related issues.
Not-so-fine for non-safety issues.
Dorthy Wrote: Mar 11, 2011 8:05 PM
What companies is she making rich? When she restricts choice.
wdwrkr Wrote: Mar 13, 2011 12:25 PM
Al Wrote: Mar 11, 2011 7:39 PM
Rand Paul is making the points that I have wanted to see made for a quarter century, and far more politely than I would have done. Can't wait til he becomes chairman of this committee in, God-willing, 2 years.
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