Video   Chaffetz: Why All the Wasteful Sports Resolutions?

7/29/2010 1:28:58 PM

bryce Writes:

This shows how inept congress really is.

7/29/2010 4:24:41 PM

Jan Writes:

I love Chaffetz.

7/29/2010 11:53:42 PM

CCloud Writes:

This kid is honest...that makes him dangerous. I can smell the fear of this guy all the way down here in TN. You go, boy!

7/30/2010 7:52:17 AM

Dan Writes:

If he keeps up this philosophy, I smell a new, worthy, Presidential Candidate for us American people who are fed up the like Nancy Pelosi. I do like Neal's point on their being kept busy with this trivial stuff keeps them from getting to raising taxes or something else they can do to destroy what is left of the Constitution and our badly, slumping economy.

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