Townhall Video   Herman Cain: "I'm Going to Be the Butter"

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Ed Wrote: 8 hours ago (2:59 PM)
My poor mom used margarine most of my growing up years. One day I asked her,"When you are on your death bed, are you going to look back and be glad that you bought margarine, even though you prefer butter?" She never bought another stick of margarine.
Run, Herman, Run!
Eileen for Freedom/Liberty Wrote: 8 hours ago (2:49 PM)

This man deserves to be heard...on what 'he' believes is the future of our Republic and how 'he' would do it!

I like him...and I will watch him. I am also watching Rep Paul Ryan and Rep Michele Bachman and others.

We don't have to settle this time...America...for the lesser of two evils. Let us be smart and do our own research...and make up our own minds on who we think is best for America's future!

We will only have one more time to make it RIGHT! I truly believe if we don't get it RIGHT this time...our Republic will have no further elections...we will be under a dictatorship!

Fight on...and never...ever give up!!

I want to hear more from Herman Cain and others I mentioned...let us hear it all!


Pat Wrote: 12 hours ago (10:52 AM)
This man with his experiences interest me. I want to here more about him!
Ed Wrote: 9 hours ago (2:38 PM)
Get his videos at Google & watch them. Well worth your time.
Paula Wrote: 13 hours ago (10:44 AM)
He talks about the American public churning the political field.

The fact is; the media decides who will be our nominee. In 2008 Duncan Hunter couldn't get news coverage no matter what he did or said. The only Republican who could get on tv was McCain. Most Republicans did not want McCain but in this day and age, you have to get on the major tv news shows or you do not have a chance.
Eileen for Freedom/Liberty Wrote: 8 hours ago (2:56 PM)
No you are wrong on that one...the media is also being a puppet to the puppetmasters pulling the strings on our political system!

'We' the people do not run our government. However, we are misled if we think that it is in control of either the Republican and/or the Democratic party!

It is being run from those outside our Republic…and it is not only Soros…it is also the Bilderberg Society!

Every four years…we elect a President. A President that comes from either the Republican or the Democratic party. We feel good if we are Democrats and our candidate wins. We feel good if we are Republicans and our candidate wins.

But what we are just coming to find out…these candidates are one in the same and being used for the same purpose…to usher in the New World Order!

They affiliate with both parties…and the outside sources keep us so busy fighting for our own party…that we are neglecting the truth of who is running our government.

A bit of history…

We elected G.H. Bush - Republican
We elected Slick Willie - Democrat
We elected G.W. Bush - Republican
We elected Barack Obama - Democrat

All reported as Bilderberg members…all chosen to run our government to fulfill the agenda of the Bilderberg…all the while fooling Americans into thinking their party is in charge…they are not!

Here is a recent article in Politico detailing how advisors to Bilderberg Bush-Obama went to their 2009 meeting in Greece to report on how America is doing in Afghanistan and Iraq and our economy. Why America…are advisors to our government who working closely with this President going to present before a secretive international group of financiers, billionaires and world leaders?

Also…please note the paragraph that denotes how John Edwards went before them to speak…and then he was chosen to run with Kerry for the Presidency! Others who became candidates…in both parties…did the same!

Now in the next part is a TV report about Governor Perry going to the secretive Bilderberg meeting to present!

Governor Perry…like others in the past…is being groomed to be the next President in 2012. He is a Republican who will follow a Democrat…true to form…just like they want! And what is worse is that ‘conservative’ Governor Palin is endorsing him!,_2007

America…we need to stop fighting amongst each other…and start fighting the real enemies…the Bilderberg and Soros!

Paul Wrote: 8 hours ago (3:33 PM)
George Bush senior gave his 2nd term to Bill Clinton because NAFTA could not be put through with a Republican President. He gave up during the election.
Eileen for Freedom/Liberty Wrote: 4 hours ago (7:40 PM)
George Bush gave his 2nd term to Slick Willie...because he was merely a puppet of the Bilderberg...and they gave him his marching orders.

Wake has nothing to do with Democratzi and/or has to do with outside sources running the inside of America...and it has to stop with this election!

Get it? If you don't, there will never, ever be another election in America!
Paul Wrote: 8 hours ago (3:29 PM)
I agree that happened but things have changed. If you are right & this happens again the Republicans will shoot themselves in the other foot. Old boy network in the Republican Party will try to sabotage
as Newt did in the last election, Carl Rove is another to look out for. These folk will lay aside principle for party to get their agenda over. They believe we are not spart enough to govern. Much has change in the last 2 years. Tea Party & other groups are huge now & growing. Women are saying enough already...
Sonny Wrote: 14 hours ago (8:49 AM)
What you see is what you get with man, another breath of fresh air, and God knows we need to clear the air and a whole lot of other trash.
Vicki Wrote: Mar 20, 2011 10:36 PM
Hope you all watched him on C-SPAN tonight. He gave a fantastic interview. Forty-five minutes, in depth. This guy is good.
Ann Wrote: Mar 20, 2011 10:07 PM
Herman Cain is excellent presidential material!! The problem is his not being well-known. HOW ABOUT A CONSERVATIVE TICKET: Mike Huckabee and Herman Cain??

They certainly would get my vote!!
Ed Wrote: 9 hours ago (2:41 PM)
Cain should pick his own VP. His style is about puttting the right folks in place to address specific projects.
Eileen for Freedom/Liberty Wrote: 8 hours ago (2:51 PM)
No one knew much of Kennedy and/or the puppet of the Bilderberg...Obama the Bush and that didn't prevent outside sources from promoting them to the Presidency!

We "real" Americans can do the same with a candidate of OUR choice! I want to hear more from him and others...we will make sure we have a choice this time...and not the lesser of two evils!
Eileen for Freedom/Liberty Wrote: 8 hours ago (2:53 PM)
No one knew much of Kennedy and/or the puppet of the Bilderberg...Obama the Bush and that didn't prevent outside sources from promoting them to the Presidency!

We "real" Americans can do the same with a candidate of OUR choice! I want to hear more from him and others...we will make sure we have a choice this time...and not the lesser of two evils!

And why would you even consider Huckabee...he is not what America needs! And you put Herman Cain as his VP...why not the other way around?

Huckabee...could not win...he will not win...he should not run!

anonymous Wrote: Mar 20, 2011 7:08 PM
"Herman.....Herman.....Herman..for President in 2012. In a debate, Herman would wipe the floor against Obummer, besides he doesn't need a telepromter. lol
Ann Wrote: Mar 20, 2011 10:08 PM
You're absolutely correct!! He isn't well-known, but just imagine if he were to become Mike Huckabee's running mate? Oh, hurrah!!
Paul Wrote: 8 hours ago (3:40 PM)
Ron Paul has recently won another straw poll. How many do we need?
Panda Wrote: 7 hours ago (4:19 PM)
I like Paul, but I'm very intruiged by Cain. His vision of moving America "From and Entitlement Society to an Empowerment Society" is very persuasive.

Either one would cut the daylights out of the budget. Hey, run them both! Then again, I really think we need Rubio on the ticket--dude is just too good to keep off the national stage.
Verbivore Wrote: Mar 20, 2011 10:13 AM
USC Wrote: Mar 20, 2011 8:28 AM
When is; Boehnor, Cantor, and McConnell going to stop doing business with these liberals-Democrats-corrupt-crooked-criminals.

We'd better get on them to cut out their RINO political-Government, big-self-serving-corporations-controlled hidden agenda, and do what we sent them, RINO Boehnor, and the Conservatives to do in the US Congress !!!

While Boehnor the RINO is protecting and carrying out the RINO's highly; covered up and propagandized, political-Government, big-self-serving-corporations controlled hidden agenda, and blocking the Conservatives political-government-business-economic agenda,

the liberals-Democrats-Obama-Reid-Schumer-Boxer-Durbin-Leahy-Harkin-Frank-Nadler, etc., are trying to run out the political-legislative clock, and get the American people back on their side, with every controversial political-government episode that they can twist-spin to their advantage.

Because the RINO's in the Leardership are just spinning the Republican Partys wheels to protect their own RINO political-Government, big-self-serving-corporations controlled hidden agenda.

While leaving the Conservatives, who completely disagree with the liberals-Democrats and the big-self-serving-corporation-controlled-PC-RINO's, to have to take the blame from the general public right along with them !!!

Boehnor and Cantor are without a doubt shameful RINO's who are just playing the left-right political-ploy-game, etc. They are from a long line-hierarchy of the 1990's-2008 RINO Leadership.

But we have to force them into not carrying out the RINO political-government agenda and instead to carry out the Tea Party Conservative political-government agenda !!!
Steve Wrote: 16 hours ago (6:52 AM)
Anyone who thinks Boehner and his bunch are not already irretrievably corrupt, and will ever abide or even consider the real conservative's goals... should apply for citizenship... in Wonderland.
Sonny Wrote: 15 hours ago (8:42 AM)
We are already in pie in the sky Bolshevik dreamland and moving farther left everyday. If you think the country is bad, take a real close look at California.
Ed Wrote: 8 hours ago (2:48 PM)
Quit screwing around and FIRE them, NOW! We are out of time, folks, The US dollar is on the very brink of meltdown. Cain favors returning to the gold standard. We need real money to accomplish what we need to do to regain our rightful place at the top of the FOOD CHAIN. While we have been on top, we have helped the whole world more than the rest put together, over and over again. Being the second biggest fish = being the first loser. Wake up or be fish food... Successful business people get this. Ultimately, we are all business people...
Panda Wrote: 7 hours ago (4:25 PM)
Why is everyone freaking out? We' ve cut over 10 billion this year, and we're just getting warmed up. Next month, Paul Ryan will unleash his 2012 budget, which will go after the big fish.

Jeez, guys, we only run one-half of one-third of the federal government. Did anyone think that would be enough to balance the budget right away? C'mon! Let's cheer up, okay? I'm a Tea-Partier all the way, and I'd love to move the process faster, but this is a marathon, not a sprint. Let's do what we can, and sit back and enjoy Ryan's upcoming budget in April. That will be epic fun.
adrienne Wrote: Mar 20, 2011 2:21 AM
Herman Cain is a lovely, brilliant man. As Tea Partiers here in Minneapolis, my husband and I would be thrilled to see a man of his gifts become president.
Ann Wrote: Mar 20, 2011 10:11 PM
Bless you for your comments. If only Mr.Cain were better known around our country. But perhaps consider this ticket: Mike Huckabee and Herman Cain. I believe that, should he become our VP, he would go down in history as the best VP ever, and who is to say he would not succeed Mike Huckabee two terms later. My favorite paraphrase of a proverb is "Hope Springs Eternal."
Steve Wrote: 16 hours ago (6:48 AM)
Huckabee is unelectable (independents will NOT vote for him), and now on the list of pols who are leaning toward not running.
Cain is good, but as you mentioned, perhaps better as a running mate at this point.
Paul Wrote: Mar 19, 2011 2:35 PM
Far as I'm concerned, Mr. Cain is by far the best and most qualified, in every aspect, for the office of President.
anonymous Wrote: Mar 20, 2011 7:08 AM
Only if you think pizza is important to national security.
Joseph Wrote: Mar 20, 2011 1:16 PM
Way to get recognized for your opinion,there 'anonymous'.
DocForesight Wrote: Mar 20, 2011 9:13 PM
Your cowardice speaks for itself, "anonymous". Mr. Cain's work with reforming Godfather's Pizza was only one of his notable company turn-around miracles. Actually, managing a large corporation and assuring its vitality, preparation and success has more in common with national security than you seem to think ... that is, if you even think at all, rather than merely emote. The current POTUS hasn't even run a lemonade stand on the street corner -- and it shows. The Left would go further nuts if Herman Cain was the Republican nominee -- and so far, he has my vote.
Sonny Wrote: 15 hours ago (8:46 AM)
Pizzaman trumps the pie in the sky community organizer.
Ed Wrote: 8 hours ago (2:54 PM)
I'll have you know that pizza is its own food group, and not subject to the old rules. Sorta' like Herman Cain, eh?
Ed Wrote: 8 hours ago (2:57 PM)
I'd much rather be fed pizza than what the current gov't is feeding us! Choice of toppings, dont'cha know...
anonymous Wrote: Mar 20, 2011 7:01 PM
Anne Wrote: Mar 19, 2011 12:28 PM
Go foe it. We need you. Thank you for accepting this call to service. Butter is better because it is REAL!
Ronaldoport Wrote: Mar 19, 2011 11:50 AM
Go Herman - I met you in Virginia!
anonymous Wrote: Mar 19, 2011 11:49 AM
I bet he has a birch certificate and he has my vote
M.K. Wrote: Mar 19, 2011 11:56 AM
John Wrote: Mar 19, 2011 10:32 AM
I like a candidate who doesn't apologize for who he is.
Scotch Indian Wrote: Mar 18, 2011 11:52 PM
Go, Herman! I met you in Omaha. You are a great candidate!
Ed Wrote: 11 hours ago (12:43 PM)
I too know Mr. Cain from his days in Omaha. I owned a Godfather's Franchise and know first hand how he turned that company around. And being totally honest, it was in as bad a shape as our Country.
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