Herman Cain

Herman Cain

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Media Consider American Businessmen ‘Bad Company’

By Herman Cain (Nov 22, 2007)

The American dream is alive and well, though you wouldn’t know it from watching the network news. Liberal election rhetoric is counting on middle-class Americans... more

At Least Don Imus Didn't Call Black Republicans 'Moronic'

By Herman Cain (Apr 23, 2007)

Don Imus's slip of the lip created a media and racial outrage. He immediately acknowledged his mistake and apologized in person to the Rutgers women basketball team members.... more

Fred Thompson's Revelation: Cancer Is Not a Death Sentence

By Herman Cain (Apr 18, 2007)

Former Senator Fred Thompson's recent disclosure that he has a form of cancer called lymphoma has people wondering if he should still run for president. The answer is yes for... more

How High Can You Stand for Your Taxes to Go?

By Herman Cain (Apr 12, 2007)

If you’re getting a tax refund this year, you’re probably excited. How will you use the money? Save it for a rainy-day pizza party? Upgrade your basic cable TV? If you didn’t... more

America is Beautiful

By Herman Cain (Apr 10, 2007)

Spring is a refreshing time of the year when most of us know how to enjoy the beauty of Mother Nature and her splendor. It is also a good time to remind people of the beauty... more

April's Fools: One Born Every Minute

By Herman Cain (Apr 03, 2007)

An old and popular English proverb cautions us that a fool and his money are soon parted. Senate Finance Committee Chairman Max Baucus (D-MT) is taking us all for fools with... more

Universal Choice Can Fix the Health Care Roof

By Herman Cain (Mar 26, 2007)

A simple change in the antiquated tax code would create an avalanche of universal choice in health care, instead of current proposals that produce universal dependence on... more

Presidential Baggage Check

By Herman Cain (Mar 19, 2007)

A topic of conversation at nearly every event I have attended since the presidential rat race began is each political party’s presidential candidates. Invariably, whenever... more

It’s Not About Health Care

By Herman Cain (Mar 12, 2007)

The caretakers of our three constitutional branches, plus their respective bureaucracies, go to great trouble to convince voters that this time they have stumbled upon the... more

Creative rhetoric masks fiscal reality

By Herman Cain (Mar 05, 2007)

Politicians use words to inspire, cajole and convince people that their particular policy prescriptions are without fault and beneficial to both the least among us and the... more

Let the veepstakes begin

By Herman Cain (Feb 26, 2007)

Since the race for the 2008 Democratic presidential nomination began, roughly, on Inauguration Day 2005, it is not too early to speculate on who might be the leading... more

Pandering Their Way to Permanent Minority Status

By Herman Cain (Feb 20, 2007)

Last week I discussed the testimony delivered February 8 by Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson before the Senate Budget Committee on President Bush's fiscal year 2008 budget... more

Entitlement is a Disease

By Herman Cain (Feb 06, 2007)

Entitlement is a disease, much like cancer. I fought and won my personal war against cancer, but have thankfully never suffered from entitlement. If there is indeed a divide... more

Diversity Distraction

By Herman Cain (Jan 29, 2007)

When The Pillsbury Company appointed me president of the then-troubled Godfather’s Pizza chain in 1986, they were not looking for a black president because it was time for... more

A Strange Way to Seek a True Leader

By Herman Cain (Jan 22, 2007)

The next president of the United States of America may not be what we need. We need a real leader who will bring real solutions to the challenges facing our economic... more

Dangerous Democrats vs. the Free Market

By Herman Cain (Jan 15, 2007)

The American public is about to once again witness the liberals’ total disdain for, and ignorance of, the dynamics of capitalism and our free market economic system. Liberals... more

Control Does Not Fill the Leadership Void

By Herman Cain (Jan 08, 2007)

Democrats are celebrating their new majority status in Congress with lots of speeches about bipartisan cooperation and a less-than-inspiring agenda for their first 100... more

Optimism for the New Year

By Herman Cain (Jan 02, 2007)

My eternal optimism for the New Year is with the American people. It is not with a newly controlled Congress or the battered leadership in the White House. Optimism has... more