Townhall Video   Washington Beat January 11, 2011

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3 Comments So Far
Jean Wrote: Jan 11, 2011 9:48 PM
I wish to comment on Representatives in office (such as Delay) who have broken the law and are not punished. He is going to appeal and says he did nothing wrong. I hope he gets the three years. Others need to be punished also and not just a slap on the wrist. The provision in the Constitution giving these officials amunity has turned into a free for all and it needs to stop. Hillary Clinton spied on UN members ordering diplomats to obtain DNA data, and even credit card numbers. This is illegal and she should at least, lose her job never to serve in any form of Government again. What about all the others who have lied to the IRS and there are so many others. We really need to clean it up!

Marge Magoo Wrote: Jan 11, 2011 11:03 PM
Don't forget Charlie Rangel...who got a standing ovation from his Democrat colleagues after BLATANTLY breaking the law, never mind ethics about slap on the wrist.
Catherine Wrote: Jan 11, 2011 3:29 PM
Why is there no mention of the brave 61 year old woman who grabbed the magazine while he tried to reload? If not for her, the two brave men wouldn't have jumped so fast.