Townhall Video   Ron Paul: Where are the Jobs?

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Pamela Wrote: 17 minutes ago (4:59 PM)
I agree. The jobs, as we have always known them to be, are not coming back. As for the Stimulus Recovery Act money, that went to shore up Unions in the States that took the money as did the money for education. Florida, where I live, received 2.5 billion for education. Guess where it went? To the teachers unions pension funds. You don't hear about that. Obama loves his unions and pay back is ongoing daily with so many union members now working at the White House. More than at any time in history. That is a true fact and easily checked and verified. The unions ( Andy Stern and SEIU) have promised over 100 million to Obamas re-election fund and that is only ONE union. Just imagine....
We may as well stop complaining and get used to it. Life is not going to go back to the way it was and what few jobs that have been created or either government jobs, which is constantly expanding, or union jobs. Every job created has been for the unions, even the so called green jobs.
We are treted very poorly as taxpayers. I honestly belive that the middle class poses the greatest threat to Obama and he would like to eliminate middle class alltogether. The poor pose no threat. The rich pose no threat and nothing pertains to the elite and rich anyway. That leaves us. POlicy making is always done with the wealthy in mind and they contribute to the campaign coffers. The poor uneducated are used by the so called community organizations, Poverty Pimps, to get votes and they do as they are told because they know no better and do not want to risk their social services and welfare. The middle class, on the other hand, let their voices be heard and band together and complain and the government hates that. Example, the Tea Party. No, I am not a member but do see their relevence and power to some extent. It is the middle class that must be eliminated and their voices silenced. Obama will silence anyone that questions him or his poilicies. It is why he only hires idiots who won't go against him or follow him around and ask no questions. Why ealse would he not hire the best and the brightest he has at his disposal? They would question him. He cannot have that.
Michael Wrote: Feb 12, 2011 1:33 PM
Bernake is acting just like a Central Planner in a socialist economy and he also has the same problems, he'll never know enough about the markets to take the action needed to regulate inflation vs interest rates. The best he can do is guess and like all Central Planners he'll most likely be wrong.
Pamela Wrote: 11 minutes ago (5:06 PM)
Great point. I listened when Bernake testified to Congress (hearing) under oath, that they would NOT bail out States facing problems. He said and I quote:" We do not have that power or authorization and it has never been done." It can only be done at the order of this President. He went on to say that they was no precedent for this kind of thing and they had no authority to set one or bail out any State given their present situation and authority and powers. They asked him under what circumstances could this be done and that's when he said only from an order higher up, the President. He was the only one with that authority and power and he did NOT recommend ever doing such a thing as it would not only set a preceent and other States would follow and ask for the same bail out, but that this country could in no way afford to take such measures.
Paul Wrote: Feb 12, 2011 9:01 AM
Ron Paul is the only member of Congress who really understands, fully, what's wrong with the economy.
BlackCrowe85 Wrote: Feb 11, 2011 12:45 PM
Just printing money to cover debts is a foolish economic plan but its one that the Obama Administration adheres to. Fudging unemployment numbers (aka lying) to soothe the public does not make the economic crisis go away; it only makes matters worse. Nero fiddled while Rome burned and the Democratic Party's leadership sits right beside the Emperor.

Congressman Paul is one of the very few members of Congress (maybe the only one) who follows the Constitution to the letter. Why people don't listen to him is still beyond my understanding.
Dark Matter Wrote: Feb 10, 2011 11:26 AM
Paul is the greatest statesman of our time. Greater than Reagan. You have rejected him because you are imbeciles.

You became imperialist war-mongering baby-killers and God is spewing you out of his mouth.