Townhall Video   Union Thug Assaults Female Activist

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9 Comments So Far
S. A. Wrote: Feb 25, 2011 10:41 AM
OK. I don't agree with hitting someone, I DON'T. But it looks like the person filming got into the man's face. Don't get me wrong, I stand with those against unions, I just believe we have to call a spade a spade when we see it. And it looks like to me that he was provoked. Not excusing his retaliation, just pointing out that many might have reacted the same way had a camera been that intrusive. JMHO
SunnyCydUp Wrote: Feb 24, 2011 9:21 PM
We have to stay focused on "stopping the spending" verbatim, after all that was the message we sent this last November other wise the Dems, the media and the unions will side track us.

National Mantra:
repeat indefinitely...
terrana01 Wrote: Feb 24, 2011 6:46 PM
Ah, another face of the "liberal voices of reason and peace". What I am seeing in these films is not only a big rally of like-thinking orgs. I see the faces of those who can't speak up and address their congressperson, and then go out and vote accordingly; I see the faces of violence and rage. If such behavior occured on the Right side of the spectrum, the national guard would be called out to control the situation. But since their salivating hatred is only directed at those having the temerity to challenge them, morally or intellectually, we won't see that happening. Now, a Tea Party Event with people constraining themselves to wave flags, smile at each other, and commit to "vote the rascals out", is regarded by the lefty loosies as hatred, violence, dangerous.........yada yada yada! Love the double standard these people can sleep with at night!
Hector Wrote: Feb 24, 2011 1:51 PM
file assault charges and make him pay! He's a union guy so they got lots of our money. Sue the SOB. He sure is a hell of a man to beat up on a woman. Must of not had any good parents to teach him respect. Wish I would of been there. I would of shoved that camera up his #%%
Phuture101 Wrote: Feb 24, 2011 10:31 PM
Dude they don't make alot of money and you know it! It looks like he put his sign in front of the camera she did not fall down. you're talking about him being a thug and you say this: "Wish I would of been there. I would of shoved that camera up his #%%"! Lmao!
Paula Wrote: Feb 25, 2011 1:25 AM
You do have to "fall down" to have been assaulted. You do not even have to have been struck (that is battery).
John Wrote: Feb 25, 2011 10:27 AM
They make LOADS of money, and have entirely TOO many perks. They are Communist thugs. You apparently (like most liberal scum) don't think it odd at all to strike a woman. Most union people seem to be wife-beating, beer-choking, public-schooled imbeciles like you, too. I wish I would've been there next to that woman. The union thug would've been in the HOSPITAL. Did I say that? OMG! Call the Speech Police--RIGHT AWAY!!!
LAPhil Wrote: Feb 24, 2011 9:37 AM
I have to admit I couldn't see anything in the video, but this guy seems like the typical union thug creep. I would paraphrase what he said to the interviewer, which was that it's impossible to have an intelligent conversation with someone who's not intelligent. These people can't think for themselves, and why should they when they have their union bosses to do it for them.
Paula Wrote: Feb 25, 2011 1:24 AM
Hopefully someone else got the actual assault on camera, although you do not have to have recorded evidence to file assault charges.