Katie Couric in Primetime


This just in: Katie Couric will anchor a one-time-only primetime edition of "The Evening News" next Wednesday at 8.

CBS says this will be "in addition" to the earlier 6:30 edition, while a spokeswoman says it will contain "all new content."

A big deal? Certainly a very interesting one. The last time an edition of "Evening News" aired at 8 - or one that wasn't tagged to breaking news? Never... This is as much promotional as anything else - Katie's coming off a very strong political season (see: The Palin Interviews) and the network wants to keep the ball rolling. (Head to this post if you want some more background from CBS News boss, Sean McManus...)

They also want to put a bullet in that long-standing - and probably bogus - press story that "Kate Will Be Leaving After the Inauguration."

You know that one - it ran in a couple of prominent papers a year or so ago,and soon the broad-based assumption was that Katie's days were numbered. She (and CBS) heatedly denied this, including a pointed denial at the summer press tour in Beverly Hills, but (then) you know the press: They wouldn't believe their own grandmother.

Certainly some basis for the rumors - After that big "EN" launch, the numbers softened, the fingers started pointing (as they tend to do inside CBS), and 'ere long, Katie was grousing about not getting the support she needed, or that this wasn't what she signed up for, or whatever. And then...the speculation began: What next for Katie? "Meet the Press?" "Larry King Live?" Back to NBC in some capacity?

Then...something happened. The "EN" numbers started to improve slightly; Katie got a new and particularly seasoned and competent exec producer, Rick Kaplan (who, by the way, was also good at handling the press and managing internal expectations at CBS); outside options for Katie were hardly as good as this one; and CBS wasn't anxious to see her go because it'd have to pay off the balance of her contract; most important, the show got better, and then the Palin business.

The new press narrative: "Katie's on a roll!"

Here are the canned quotes from this morning's press release: “This is a unique opportunity to showcase the CBS Evening News and give viewers who might not be able to sample the broadcast the chance to see the outstanding work being done by Katie and the CBS News team,” said Sean McManus, President, CBS News and Sports.

“I am extremely proud of the tremendous work by Katie and our entire team and the primetime broadcast is yet another platform to bring our distinct reporting and franchise news series to a wider audience,” said Kaplan.

Only one teensy, weensy hitch to this one-time-only experiment aimed at dragging more viewers to this worthy program: It'll air opposite "American Idol." (That's maybe OK too - we call this "counter-programming" in the trade.)

(Pix: John Paul Filo, CBS)

Comments (16)

They should rid themselves of a no talent no brain per4son like Katie

CBS should rid themselves of a not talent no brain person like Katie

I love Katie --- she's a trusted role model who deserves more than the abuse she gets.

Unfortunately my schedule forces me to TIVO my viewing and news shows aren't relevant 2 weeks later.

Sorry, but that Couric bee-atch scares me. She looks like she's been overdoing the botox.

If the commie b.s. network wants to compete with Idol they ought to have Palin in that time slot doing a special edition of American Sportsman.

The Rightfringe Looney's all despise Katie Couric because she made that moron of their dreams, Sarah Palin expose herself for the Nitwit she is. Despite Ms. Couric being polite, and actually lobbing only Softball questions at Palin, the effort still wasn't sufficiently 'Dumbed Down' to make the Alaska Nimrod look Presidential, and for that they have never, and probably will never, forgive the excellent, talented and very capable Katie Couric. But then, that's why they Love the likes of Rush Windbaugh, and Bill O'Liely, and the rest of us call them moron's !

Typical Ed Burke Liberal paranoia. Katie Couric is paid to read a teleprompter. Period. Talk about a Brainless Talking Head. Sarah Palin was ambushed by the Liberal Media from behind the scenes, Have another pull back Katie.

Typical Ed Burke Liberal paranoia. Katie Couric is paid to read a teleprompter. Period. Talk about a Brainless Talking Head. Sarah Palin was ambushed by the Liberal Media from behind the scenes, Have another pull back Katie.

Typical Ed Burke Liberal paranoia. Katie Couric is paid to read a teleprompter. Period. Talk about a Brainless Talking Head. Sarah Palin was ambushed by the Liberal Media from behind the scenes, Have another pull back Katie.

If our comments dont suit the Communist adgenda of newsday they don't get posted. F newsday.

If our comments dont suit the Communist adgenda of newsday they don't get posted. F newsday.

infairness to ms couric, she had done her best on her evening news job... people are criticizing her bcoz they thought she's the same Katie from TODAY.. but she revolved.. Not bcoz your perky, you're not intelligent... sexism is more rampant that racism

I'd rather watch an old test pattern than this airheaded nitwit. Nothing worse than watching a nasty hate filled talentless "journalist".

Couric is so pathetic she had to ask former Senator Sam Nunn and another 0bama operative what questions to ask Palin.

Couric's ratings are the lowest of the 3 networks news broadcasts.

She's a drag on CBS, and probably should just resign.

I wouldn't have answered Katie's snobby little what newspapers do you read question either.

Katie thinks she is all that... I wonder what karma has in store for her.

Katie Couric's ratings tanked long before anyone ever heard of Sarah Palin.
She made a huge error becoming a nightly news anchor because she simply doesn't have the acting ability to impersonate an intellect.
She should have stuck to her true self perky airhead in the am.
You couldn't pay me to watch her on prime time or any other time.
They need to replace her with a woman with a brain.

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