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"24:" Jon Voight is On Board

Well, this is THE TV headline this morning. At least the most interesting headline. Jon Voight, who hasn't been on a series since almost forever, will be Jack's nemesis on this season's "24." Hollywood Reporter, which has the scoop, notes that he'll be introduced during that two-hour prequel that'll air Nov. 23; the show's shooting in South Africa as we type. HR correctly notes that Voight has been on a series since "Gunsmoke" in the late '60s - coincidentally, right around the time he created his signature role, Joe Buck, in "Midnight Cowboy" - but he's done a ton of TV. For example, he was in that Pope John Paul biopic a few years ago (I recall he got only lukewarm reviews for that), and "The Five People You Meet in Heaven," and other TV movies. In recent years - of course - he's carved a very nice niche in the "National Treasure" franchise (the Gates dad), and will likely be in the "Transformers" sequel. But any way you look at this - upside, downside, left side, right side - it's an absolutely GREAT casting move for this classic series. "24" challenge - a modest one, I think - is to draw attention back to itself after a very long and difficult hiatus; the greater challenge is to slightly re-invent itself, for it has entered that fairytale land of implausibility and over-the-top silliness. (Not that there's anything wrong with that, but how much more can you do...?) Voight brings so many strengths - fine actor notwithstanding - but mostly he should be a splendid bad guy. ("24" hasn't asked me but for the season after this one, Christopher Walken would fit the bill too. )

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