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TV Zone's Rachel Hunter Quiz: Answers

You've waited patiently, and you've wondered long and hard about exactly what Rachel Hunter DID say about what life had taught her, and what part of her body she liked least, etc.

I'm talking about my first annual Rachel Hunter Quiz -- see below -- which could also be the last annual if she has problems on tonight's "Celebrity Circus" (woowhooo!!)

Here are the answers.

1.) d (Easy! Of course she was married to Rod Stewart and NOT Stuart Smalley); 2.) c. (Yes, "Lola." Nice name for swimwear.) 3.) i. (All of the above! There isn't a reality show that Rachel HASN'T starred in) 4.) c. (Alas, the infomercial for a vibrating machine was pulled because people didn't lose weight using it). 5.) d. (That's right -- her gluteus maximus, AKA the butt, is the part of her body she hates the most.) 6.) d. (Yup, right after telling the Web site she hated her gluteus, she told reporters at another news conference too.) 7.) d. (Ooops! Crazed fan musta read the stories. She kicked RH in the you-now-know-where.) 8.) i. (Correct! Rach said all of the above, except that thing about her always wanting to be in "Celebrity Circus" or Rod Stewart being a "rock genius."

If you guessed all answers correctly, please check back tomorrow to find out how to collect your prize -- a bobble-head Rachel Hunter doll.

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