Breaking News in TV News: Hannah Storm off "Early Show"

Here's some biiig news in the morning TV realm: Hannah Storm has been dropped from "The Early Show."

We'd like to add "unceremoniously" dropped, but there was probably some ceremony involved. So what happened? Not sure: She's been on the program as co-anchor for five years and - unless you didn't know this but then how could you? - she is also one of the nicest people in the entire business. But niceness, I understand, doesn't ensure longevity.celeb_storm_fp.jpg

CBS just sent out this press release and we'll let you read between the lines: "Hannah Storm, who has been co-anchor of 'The Early Show' for the past five years, will move into a new role at CBS News. Storm and Sean McManus, President, CBS News and Sports, are in discussions to determine the scope and depth of her new duties.

Said Hannah: “I have loved every minute of my five years...teaming up from the start with some of the best in the business. I am proud of my work at CBS News. We are in discussions regarding future opportunities across CBS.”


Keep this in mind: The notoriously tough ayam TV boss Shelley Ross took over "Early" not long ago with the express mission of boosting numbers. That's proven to be one of the most notoriously difficult jobs in television when it comes to CBS morning news ventures.

Storm is expected to be on the air in the morning; no one seems to be sure when her last day is.

Comments (21)

CBS sure makes some dumb moves as far as I am concerd. They promote some dud programs and people and get rid of people like Hannah Storm.

I'm so upset to not having Hannah Storm on the Morning Show, she added some warmth to the show.
Who's next, well we know it won't be Julie Chen as she has some pull ther I'm sure!!
I think it's time to follow the others in the country and switch to Good Morning America, they seem to be able to keep the good people they have!

Shelly Ross has proven to be typical of underlings with newfound power, they tend to go after those who are popular and well thought of. Hannah was a big part of the reason I watched the Morning Show. Perhaps it is time to focus elsewhere.

Hannah's added personality to the show. I think that they could have done without Julie Chen. I think it is time to switch morning programs.

I have been a loyal CBS watcher for years and Hannah Storm is one of the most enjoyable morning people ever! They've replaced her with a no name face with the personality of a paper plate! And Julie Chen has about as much enthusiasm as my kids attacking their homework!

What are they thinking? Hannah handles all different types of interviews with ease!!! I love Harry Smith but I have a really have a hard time watching him do an interview because he always adds his uh huhs and ah hems and he seems to always be rushing the person he is talking to. In addition he doesn't always seem engaged. Hannah on the other hand gives warmth and vitality to the segments she hosts.

I don't get a lot of what is going on with programming, but I can usually predict which ones are going to make it before the season even starts! Hannah you are going to land on your feet! I am switching to Good Morning America as we speak!

I just searched to find out what happened to Hannah. I can't believe they dumped her. She has a wide range of knowledge, interest, and depth. Such a shame. She'll probably do better than the Early Show. I've been so loyal to CBS in the morning, both local and nationally, but I think it is time for a change!!

I am not sad to see Hannah leave. She often patronized older guests. I liked her in the beginning, but chinks in the armor became more apparent when Renee left. Julie seems more genuine to me.

I watch the Early Show every morning, it has lost something now that Hannah is gone. She was very down to earth and like us "normal" folks.... someone you could see as your friend. She was the reason I didn't watch the other shows...they were just too commercialized. Guess just being a nice person doesn't cut it in TV? Like others, I just may try watching something else now, or if Hannah comes to one of the other ones... I'll surely watch that one!

Yep, I stopped watching. Period. Hannah is the only one upbeat in the morning compared to all of the morning shows. All hope is gone if Diane Sawyer leaves us in the morning.

Everyone is too hard on Julie...Julie Chen is a true professional, and worthy of evening news. Hannah is clearly perfect for cooking segments. I've always felt she was a bit too much sugar for my stomach that early in the morning. That said, I hate change. I want Renee, Hannah, Julie, Harry and Dave! The old team (when they weren't/aren't on vacation or assignment) are just right. They balance each other out. I'm not going to watch the cardboard figures on Good Morning America...they don't represent my life. And CBS, you need to let your loyal viewers in on what you're doing...we actually watch and we deserve to know whats going on. And why are you trying to please GMA viewers instead of the viewers you've got?!!

until they bring Hannah back I have switched to Good Morning America

Well, it took me a long time to convince my family to make the switch from NBC to CBS, but now if it's bye bye Hannah, then it's bye bye CBS. A god-awful decision and I won't be watching the Early Show any longer.

Well, it took me a long time to convince my family to make the switch from NBC to CBS, but now if it's bye bye Hannah, then it's bye bye CBS. A god-awful decision and I won't be watching the Early Show any longer.

Isn't Julie Chen married to a head honcho at CBS? I am sure that is the reason Hannah Storm is gone...Julie wanted the job!!

Hannah Storm was a breath of fresh air every morning. Sweet, genuine, non-judgmental-not afraid to shed a tear at a sad story, but strong when she needed to be! The new person is nice enough I'm sure, but boring, boring, boring. Please bring Hannah back! Until that happens, and I'm sure it won't, I guess the CBS Morning Show is not being viewed in our house anymore and it looks like that is what others are saying as well.

As far as I am concerned, good ridance to hannah. She always acted like she was better than anyone else on the early show.

glad to see hannah storm go, cant stand her forced and unnatural expressions. CBS can only get better from here.

So sorry to see Hannah go. I loved her on the Early Show. She is an excellent reporter, and I loved the stories that she put together and reported on, e.g., people who have facial discoloration, and what you can do about it. Also, the story on Hannah's family, several generations of women in the family, the family home, etc. I enjoyed her work so much. She did the best interviews, comfortable, casual, very natural.

And her hair was really looking good. When she first started on The Early Show, I would think to myself - out loud - "Hannah, who's doing your hair?"

I miss her.

I was shocked to learn that Hannah was no longer on Good Morning America !!!!!!!!!!! Will no longer watch CBS. Bye bye and hello NBC.

glad to see her go. i have been tired of her "posing" for the camera for quite a while now

Sadly disappointed to see Hannah Storm thrown under the bus. She seemed to me to be a genuine and honest person even down to refusing to put a pound of pancake on her port wine stain birthmark. For sure she had a few interviews that weren't stellar, but that's true with anyone and often the person or topic covered is a black hole of entertainment anyway. She was truly the reason we tuned to CBS in that time slot, and just face it, there is a dearth of reasons to tune in to CBS on a good day. Good Luck with your next project Hannah and good luck to CBS covering the hole you just shot in your foot.

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