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Brokaw as host of "Meet the Press?" Yes, and Here's Why


Tom Brokaw, the next moderator of "Meet the Press?"

Yes, the next moderator. As always, NBC News is luckiest news division - despite what happened last Friday just before 2 p.m. - simply by virtue of having Brokaw on its payroll. Once again, duty calls and if I know Brokaw, and I think I do, he'll answer that call as he's done so many times before.

There are so many reasons why Tom Brokaw should be the next moderator of "Meet the Press" - at least on what might be called a "transitional basis" - that the best way to lay them out is a list, so here goes.

1.) Soothing for viewers AND the network: The death of Tim Russert is, like any death, disruptive, but this one was profoundly so. Russert manned this program for seventeen years and manned it brilliantly. He WAS the face of Sunday morning, to a large degree, and WAS the face of NBC's political coverage. As a result, NBC needs a new face that is also profoundly familiar and trusted. There's only one at NBC which comes to mind.

2.) Brokaw knows the territory. He, like Russert, is an encyclopedia of political fact and trivia, so much so that he's had to bat down rumors for literally decades that he would run for office from home state South Dakota. Moreover, Brokaw has worked by Russert's side, on-screen and off, for nearly twenty-five years. No one knows the rhythm of this coverage better than Brokaw.

3.) No one else is ready. This is beyond self-evident. Of course, there will be the insta-rumor that Katie Couric is up for the gig, but any whiff of positioning on her part will kill this possibility so quickly that heads will spin. Yes, NBCU topper Jeff Zucker wants her back at NBC, or so I believe, and maybe for a role at MSNBC. Katie wants the 9 p.m. "Live" slot on CNN - that I believe too. Now, "Meet the Press" will be considered almost a certainty too. But she won't be back, if ever, at NBC until next year. NBC needs someone next week. The others? Chris Matthews? Never ready for this job - he's too cable. David Gregory? Smart guy and first-rate interviewer, while his agent would dearly love him to replace Matt Lauer one of these days. I say - as good as he is - the guy's got "trust" issues with viewers who are pretty good at reading faces on the tube. Gregory's not ready for this job, and maybe never. Brian Williams? No. Absolutely, no. Viewers - and NBC staffers - will see it as a part time gig for him, and one to which he will devote neither all his time nor energy. He'll fly down to Washington on Fridays, and back to NYC on Sundays; this schedule would devalue his role at "Nightly," and you can't have that.

4.) He'll answer the call. I think and believe Brokaw will. He'll need assurance, and I'm sure get it, that this is only a temporary measure, say for six months or at most a year. He'll get the assurance too that NBC will offer try-outs to others, so that someone else will be ready to step in the moment he's ready to move aside. He won't want this forever, but maybe he'll grow into it. I've always believed - and still do - that Brokaw needs more work, even though his doc unit keeps him very busy. On some level, one that even he won't admit to, he misses the "Nightly" tonic - the stardom, influence, excitement, rush. Brokaw, meanwhile, is a terrific multi-tasker in the game of life: He can work very hard, and play pretty much the same way. (His idea of "play," of course, is running the rapids in some wild river out west.) This shouldn't be a major pull for him, again if it lasts only through election.

5.) Brokaw will get the bigshots to appear. Sure - you say - anyone would wanna come on "Meet." But what about the other Sunday shows? They compete for guests too, and without a major player at the helm of "MTP," those guests may be more disposed to appearing on ABC or CBS. With the eminence at the helm - that would be Tom - "MTP" will be better positioned to meet this immediate challenge.

6.) Brokaw will be handling much political coverage through November anyway - this will make him both sharper, and give the network more gravitas in the process, much as David Brinkley did for ABC News. So, Tom as anchor of "MTP" through inauguration, and THEN hand-off to someone else.

7.) Finally, Brokaw is the choice that will most completely, and most deeply, honor Russert. Yes, I leave this until last, even though it may be the most important reason of them all. There is only a handful of on-air people left in this business who exemplify the glory of the Big Three network news divisions of decades past. Bob Schieffer is one. Russert was another. And Brokaw is the last. It's a very abbreviated list for the simple reason that the heavyweights are all gone. Even Mike Wallace will likely NEVER appear on the air again. "Meet the Press" is network television's oldest program, born in the half-light of this industry's creation. It crept out of the primordial ooze, so to speak, and became, instantly, a vitally important program in news and politics. Russert intuitively believed that, consciously understood it, and adjusted his professional bearing accordingly to meet that vital role. This is why Russert was so successful, and why the mourning that we now see on NBC's air (and elsewhere) is so genuine. There's only one person who similarly understands "Meet the Press's" role and who can meet it accordingly, and imbue it with the symbolism that it so richly deserves. You know by now who that person is.

Well, Tom. What's your answer?

Comments (40)

It will clearly be Brokaw at least for the year (longer if he wants). The show sunday, revised promotions on MSNBC etc. all telegraph it.

Great! Replace one boring old white male who is dead, with another boring old white male who should have died already. pathtic.

I think Tim would like someone new, outside the box, my vote goes to Chuck Todd. Bright, young, intelligent—not a pretty face—just what Tim would have liked.

SADF, your comments are sickening and should be removed. Disgusting, disrespectful and uncalled for. Totally classless you are.

Tom Brokaw deserves to enjoy his retirement. Although good newsmen are hard to find and sorely needed this election season, for sure!

"Great! Replace one boring old white male who is dead, with another boring old white male who should have died already. pathtic."

Shame on you, he might have been boring to a person with an IQ of 2 or 3 such as yourself. To the rest of the world he was a brilliant guy. And what the heck is a "pathtic"? I am guessing you're < 10 years old or extremely ignorant.

Hey sadf,

You may have the most appropriate name ever...sadf. Sad Fu**er. Good luck to Tom and NBC on trying to replace one of the all time greats.


Hi even though I like Tom Brokaw he reminds of a late night host in the Johnny Carson mode, he even sounds like him What about a women for the job such as Gwen Ifell who was a guest many times on Meet the Press, and already host a show on PBS on top of it. I would love to to break the old boy network and give a qualified seasoned vet like Ifell the job.

Let's get some new faces hosting these shows instead of the same old stand byes like Brian Williams an Tom Brokaw. I would not mind David Gregory either. He asks tough questions,

My vote, from the moment I heard of Tim's passing, was David Gregory. Though he'll hardly be a "replacement" for what Tim brought to the show - and the world - every Sunday and every other day of the week.

I too think Chuck Todd would be a great choice for fresh blood at NBC.

Chris Matthews is qualified for Meet the Press. He knows the
difference between cable and network. Tom Brokaw will be
a good temp. Today show not for Chris Matthews, but he
has ran a Washington Bureau. His health and age may be a

No, I don't think Brokaw is the right choice. I think that he would be too worried about losing access to the Washington elite to really throw the hard balls. I just don't think that he would be tough enough. Too worried about his reputation. For that matter, I feel that Russert wasn't even as tough as a lot of people say he was. I often felt that while he was better than most, he could have been tougher on the all important follow up questions. I felt that there were too many times he let pols wriggle out of unsatisfactory answers. Perhaps he decided that there was a limit, and to go further would jeopardize the show's future. But, ultimately, it is getting to the truth and intent that matter most to us.

I think that Dick Gregory would be better than Brokaw. I've seen him press administration press aides when their assertions were too absurd to be believed, and persisted somewhat in the face of resistance. I know this is a qualified endorsement, but we are not going to get someone who is really willing to go to the mat to get to the crux of the matter; it would cause just too much controversy.

Chuck Todd is a good analyst, but I don't see him in Russert's role. And, I think he is better off giving his opinion rather than eliciting opinions from others.

I like the idea. Brokaw could ease the transition to Todd or Gregory, who are both qualified but would cause to much of a shock to the public if they were dropped into Russert's shoes right away. Brokaw, then either one of the other two in '09 would work. Or how about Andrea Mitchell? She would also be great.

I'm sure that Steve B meant David Gregory, but I just love the image of crazy ol' Dick Gregory hosting "Meet the Press"!!! Now that would really be different. :-)

Dick Gregory!!! What a slip. Can you imagine what that would be like? My mind is racing on the possibilities presented by that one.

You're correct, David, of course. Thanks for the correction!


1. Univisión's Jorge Ramos OR
2. CNN's Rick Sánchez OR
3. NBC's Natalie Moráles

How about Robert Novak. Talk about someone who does their homework, knows politics and would ask the tough questios. He would be your guy, but wait..he is a conservative and I think a conservative need not apply at NBC!!

What is wrong with you people? Have some respect for the death of a media Giant. He tireless delivered you an unbiased news segment for years. I shutter the day you die, will anyone even remember you?

With that said, the esteemed Tom Brokaw is the obvious choice. No one in the media is more poised and intelligent enough to work the position of hosting Meet the Press right now than Mr. Brokaw. Not only does he share the same character and spirit as Mr. Russert, he is probably the most honest face on television right now. Scarborough, Couric, Gregory, Williams are not even in the same league. Matthews and Cooper for sure would be great, but not as deserving just yet. If I didn't mention your name, it's because you are not on the radar. Brokaw has earned his stripes and stripes for others as well.

Let's get back to the basic when it comes to the media, American doesn't need out of the box media, it need honesty and integrity.
Signed, DC Native

The groundbreaking next host, Mr. Gay, was sitting on the Meet the Press set on Sunday with Mr. Brokaw. That would be: GWEN IFILL. And she fits all your parameters.

The old guy replace the younger Tim Russert ? Tim Russert made the show Meet The Press his own, the next moderator will have to be passionate about doing the same. Tom Brokaw is 'over-the-hill', he is not planning a long future on TV, he has retired. In the words of comedian Billy Crystal, Brokaw's 'Mostly Dead'.

The permenant replacement should be well known, like Katie Couric or David Gregory because it is too high profile a position to go to an unknown, and they are each young and experienced enough to command respect, and yet have a reasonably long TV future. Keith Olberman is considered too opinionated, and not 'Big' enough at this point, though I suspect he could do an excellent job, as he has pointing out the huge holes in the Republican approach to governing the United States.

Here's one out of left field: One who "played for the other tea" and who took no priosoners: Eliott Spitzer.

I think that Tom Brokaw is the ideal candidate. Chris Mathews and Keiht Olberman should never be considered. They are too argumentative and loud. If Tom Brokaw doesn't want to this permanently, then it should be David Gregory. He has subbed before and really knows how to ask tough questions. No one else is good to be there. This is touchy. By putting in the wrong person, people will go to "Face the Nation" which is a staple on television and people feel comfortable with Bob Schieffer.

Keith Olbermann, in his own way, would be an excellent interrogator given his intelligence, drive and analytical capabilities. However, he is way, way too opinionated for this format and it would get in the way (even when he is right). The show would be a lightening rod for conservatives and would go in the tank (too bad).

Bob Novak....you must be joking. You might as well say Dick Cheney.

I just don't think Brokaw has the drive and passion to be an interrogator.

Brokaw will be appropriate for a very short interim... and then it should be who not only gets what the job had been with Russert, but also understands how the media landscape is changing.

Russert was too powerful to have to adapt his show to the changing ways information distribution. That likely won't be the case with the next moderator.

To be honest, I don't know who that would be. But it feels like it could be Gwen Ifill.

I am not joking Novak is one of the best reporters in Washington, and your Cheney comment proves what I said, conservatives need not apply.
It is okay than for the Chris Matthews, Tim Russerts of the world to have the job, both worked for Democrats, but a republican moderator, who is on meet the Press quite often, is not allowed. Novak would make that show worth watching, not Brokaw

Gwen Ifill? Are you for real, I would rather watch my front lawn grow LOL She is boring!!!!
And Keith, Nice to see the host must be Spanish, How about someone we have all heard of These suggestions are hilarious!

While noone can "fill" tim's shoes. I think his son Luke sure could fit the shoes with honor....just a thought....

While noone can "fill" Tim's shoes....Luke could fit into his shoes with honors............god bless everyone...

Other choices:

- Gwen Ifill
- Colin Powell
- Newt Gingrich
- Wesley Clark
- Maria Shriver

No one really knows how any of these people would do until they were given the chance. I love Bob Schieffer as a journalist and man of integrity but rarely watch his show because he interviews heavyweight politicians exclusively. It's like pulling teeth to get them off their robotic prepared answers to respond with any degree of honesty. Tim was able to do this most successfully, but I enjoyed his roundtables much more than the political interviews. A true love of politics, enthusiasm and someone who *really* listens to the answers is required to keep the show at the top of the heap. Someone who isn't socializing all week with the same people they're covering. Someone who isn't full of themselves, isn't considered *difficult*, and treats both their guests and staff with the same respect (NBC knows who they are and the rest of us have a pretty good idea). Arrogance comes right off the screen. Guess there's no great replacement for Tim.

I realize Tom Brokaw would be a logical (and safe) replacement for MTP but I think it would be great to see a fresh "go getter" type that can relate to both young and senior viewers. I believe Tim would have like the idea.
Not sure who that person is but I think there are a lot of talented folks at NPR that can deliver such as Juan Williams, or Cohen who currently hosts "Talk of the Nation."

Has anyone seen how well Luke Russert handled his interview with Matt Lauer? Even if it takes another election cycle for him to grow into the role, my heart would soar to see him actually sit in that chair every week and follow in his Dad's footsteps rather than just store it as a keepsake. Part of what made Tim Russert magical was his passion, grounded roots and family values. Who better to carry the torch than Tim's own blood?

I agree ... Tom for the present...if he wants the job. I am newly retired and I am sure he would not want it permanently. Gwen...well, until this election ... maybe...not now. Katie would be good. I say...wait a little while. Let everyone mourn the loss of our great Tim. Then decide.

What is interesting to me is that your view seems to be popular across ideological lines. I just got off a Conservative blog -- www.BizPlusBlog.com -- and the writer there came to the same conclusion about Brokaw. Good post.

I would like to see Gwen Ifill as the moderator.

My vote is for Chuck Todd. He was hand-picked by Tim Russert who I assume had big plans for him. I think Brokaw should host the next few weeks then bring in Chuck Todd. He's intelligent, calm, analytical, and experienced.

I agree about Luke Russert - I'd too love to see him in that spot that was his Dad's but I believe they need to bring him in as a apprentice to work his way into it - he wouldn't have far to go, seems to be a chip off the old block. In the meantime, Brokaw definitely, but my feel is he wouldn't want it, not for long. I like Matt Lauer as an interviewer / interrogator, and he doesn't show his political colors like Matthews, Oberman, Scarborough etc. Chuck Todd is great and knows his stuff, but we would need to see him in action as an interrogator - may be too nice a guy. My recommendation would be to get Brokow with the "candidates" guest hosting here and there, to see who fits. Get Luke in and send him all over to learn the ropes. There are other great candidates, but I believe in loyalty and in promoting from within if possible.

I get sad when I think through the possibilities. Tom Brokow would be okay for awhile, but he does not have the questioning ability of Russert. I think Chris Matthews knows his history and has the political savy to do the job. Could NBC groom him to QUIETLY ask the questions?

If Luke Russert could be on the fast track for his father's position, that would make our Sunday mornings something to look forward to again.

To Whom It May Concern:

Viewer of MTP since I was a kid. With age and education, I appreciate Tim Russert's incredible contribution. A profound loss to all.

A topic I would have expected Tim to pursue - and I hope his temporary/permanent replacement to emphasize repeatedly - the issue of the SUPREME COURT.

. . . "the issue today is . . ." This is a critical issue, not debated. Our future depends on this issue for myriad reasons and most Americans do not associate the Supreme Court with elections.

Also, critical is the WOMEN;s vote going a only to the Democrats. Hillary should speak to this.
Heartfelt sympathy sent to Tim's family and huge family. Go get 'em!

For your consideration: whoever hosts MTP, at least through the election, hopefully it will be Tom Brokaw. Because we know the extent of preparation involved, Mr. Brokaw might have an assistant or two – on AND off camera - with on-the-job , with an eye toward replacement. I say on and off the camera because in addition to all that is obvious, the next MTM host must relate to the average guy/gal. And we are all average.

Please copy this to Mr. Brokaw .

Again, go get ‘em!

Harriette Weisman

Brokaw now and what about another media giant that has yet to be mentioned on this blog. Dan Rather, 24 years at the helm of CBS nightly. Could you Imagen the possibilities? Recognizable, distinguished, a broadcast journalism legend. His resume(sp?) far outweighs that of all other possible replacements and even rivals that of the great Tom Brokaw. Of course if Brokaw and Rather co-hosted MTP I wouldn't complain. I've spent my entire life listening to these men and to Tim ( who I will greatly miss.)

anyone or THING with any negative comments about Tim Russert is obviously jealous and is insufficent in body parts.

Tim Russert missed??????? truly, an under statement.

I have no direct relationship with the Russert family, but can say I admire how Luke Russert was raised ... he really is someone that anyone could be proud of.

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