The Letterman Palinpalooza Poll

(Reuters / CBS Photo)

Yes, gang: You knew this was coming.

A poll! The poll! (We love polls.)

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Sarah Palin has accepted the apology. John McCain said everyone should just move on. Dave would love it if everyone did. But will they? So here's where we stand...Some people out there are still mad, and some just want to forget about the whole thing. Where 'o where do you stand? On to the poll!

  • Yes, if Sarah Palin accepted it, everyone else should.
  • Yes, but Dave and CBS should do more to help girls and young women.
  • No, Dave has a lot more 'splaining to do and would never have made it unless Palin forced him to.
  • Who cares! I'm sick to death of the whole thing.

Comments (7)

Let's hope this is the end of the David Letterman - Sarah Palin feud. While last week Letterman apologized, it was in a snarky sort of way, and wasn't accepted by Palin...
Exclusive Video here:david letterman sarah palin joke

The whole things is a massive bore

Cute Gay.

Picture of Palin?
Or Fey?

Just you're sophomoric parting shot, eh?
Where would the journalistic world be without DeVry's?

Top 10 Reasons Why We Know Verne Gay is Not.

10/He shares and endorses Letterman's obsession with all things Palin
9/He wore his wife beater shirt to work for a week as a tribute to Letterman's joke.
8/He spewed a Budwieser (not Light) through his nose when he heard Letterman's joke.
7/He put another ash hole (from his Marlboro 72) in the all weather carpet of his double wide in Brentwood after hearing Letterman's joke.
6/The first words out of his mouth after laughing at the joke were "URRPP...honey, get me another beer"
5/"Neanderthals" is the name of his bowling team
4/He once asked his spouse to audition for a role in "The Stepford Wives".
3/His lifelong dream is to get Sarah Palin to autograph the singing fish hanging on the tongue in groove paneling of his bedroom wall.
2/He spends an hour each day watching reruns of Van Susteren's interview of Palin in her Wasilla kitchen, where she engages in "more 'propriate womanly things".
1/He still maintains that Letterman's joke was really about A-Rod.

BTW...the previous Top 10 List was brought to you by the home office...
two time zones away.

Thanks Islander505.

Enjoyed your many comments - all cogent, none cheap - here. 'Yall come back...


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