Kate Gosselin Hits Kid: Ratings Climb

"Caught Hitting Her Daughter!"

"Stress of Marriage Hurting Her Kids!"

"Inside the Debate Over Whether Her Kids Are Safe."

Good Lord, is everyone tuned in to the biggest controversy of the morning yet? It's a doozy: One of the paps from "In Touch Weekly" caught Kate Gosselin beating one of the kids, Leah, put it on the cover, threw a bunch of headlines up (see above), and now the place where such things catch fire like a dry pile of sticks on a Santa Barbara hillside - namely the Internet - is RAGING over the scandal.

By the time you read this, "In Touch Weekly," appropriately named for the moment, is cooking up headlines for the followup issue next week:

"Child Welfare Services Debates Intervention in Gosselin Abuse Case."

"President Obama to Issue Statement on Gosselin Beating Scandal"

"David Letterman to Kate: 'Apologize!'"

"Jon: 'What's the Big Deal? She Beats ME All the Time'"

"Supernanny to Investigate Gosselin's Vicious Attack"

And so on.

This is a big deal: Ratings have dropped dramatically for "Jon & Kate Plus 8." They'll be straight back up on Monday, as millions tune in to see Kate whacking the kids.

Anyway, speaking of the Supernanny, none of this has anything on that episode which also got serious tab attention though nothing compared to this insofar as no one had ever heard of the Davis family. The father in this instance actually bragged about belting his kids, and SN implied to viewers that she might take a belt to him. Here's the clip.

Comments (25)

I am a mother and if you think Kate is the ONLY mother who has ever given their own child a spanking, well, you are MISTAKEN!!!
We love our children very much, but once in awhile they need to be reminded that they need to behave. I think the media has made WAY TOO MUCH of this situation. She probably is under alot of pressure, so we as the public should just BACK OFF and give her the space she and her family deserve!!!!!!!

I am a mother and if you think Kate is the ONLY mother who has ever given their own child a spanking, well, you are MISTAKEN!!!
We love our children very much, but once in awhile they need to be reminded that they need to behave. I think the media has made WAY TOO MUCH of this situation. She probably is under alot of pressure, so we as the public should just BACK OFF and give her the space she and her family deserve!!!!!!!

To Debbie in New York:

If Kate Gosselin wants or needs space, she needs to get her and her family OFF TELEVISION. Period. I would be stressed too, but keeping the show going is causing her stress. I have no sympathy for this woman, life is all about choices and she is choosing to stay on her current path.

I understand that spanking is a way of getting a child to understand that they are engaging in unacceptable behavior and need to be punished. Leah was blowing a whistle which disturbed Kate's phone call. I think Kate just blew a fuse. She lashed out in anger. That's not discipline, it's a loss of self-control.

Spanking is a form of discipline. But was little Leah really misbehaving? What kills me the most is Kate Gosselin professes to be a Christian let alone a Christian mom. Well the Bible is clear about punishing children. It's only to be done out of direct disobiedence and or if the child could be harmed or harm others. NOT OUT OF ANNOYANCE!! Not out of getting on my nerves! She was outside, using an out side toy. Kate could have moved! Lord knows, she had the TV crew, her assistants and all near by so there was nothing stopping her from moving away to continue her call. She is snapping. And God is also clear you do not correct your children out of anger. That is loss of control! Disicipine is to be loving correction whether it be grounding, spanking or time out. If you are in anger you need to remove yourself. It is pathetic that your children are comforting your daughter and basically doing her job. My personal suggestion, someone needs to bend Kate Gosselin over their knee and give her a good old fashioned paddle spankin.

i am from the american assiciation of child abuse and i am in the very long and hard prosses of sueing kate for beating her child, Leah

i am from the american assiciation of child abuse and i am in the very long and hard prosses of sueing kate for beating her child, Leah

i am from the american assiciation of child abuse and i am in the very long and hard prosses of sueing kate for beating her child, Leah

I think that u r wrong to thing that she
would really do something like that!
And maybe if the paparazzi were not around
all day they would not have
anything to turn around on her.

I think that u r wrong to thing that she
would really do something like that!
And maybe if the paparazzi were not around
all day they would not have
anything to turn around on her.

I think that u r wrong to thing that she
would really do something like that!
And maybe if the paparazzi were not around
all day they would not have
anything to turn around on her.

I run a licensed childcare center and can tell you that my staff and teachers know from day one which children do not get whippins at home. While I don't believe that whippins are for every child (sometimes other forms of discipline work), I believe that some children only respond to them. I have a degree is child development; with that degree came studies in child psychology performed by infamous psychologists who's theories have been accepted all over the world. ANYONE who works daily with children knows those theories are bogus!

Whippins are based on the same principle as "Action, Reaction". If a child touches a hot stove and it burns them then they know not to touch that hot stove again, they have now associated an action that were told not to do with hurt. It is the same basis with whippins. If the consequences of their actions cause a little bit of pain, then they're 98% more likely not to do it. THAT is a fact! In my opinion... to NOT whip your child (when it is called for) is child abuse.

Ok Kate was caught on camera spanking her child, which is not an unheard of form of discipline whether you agree or not.

The interesting point of the matter is the show never once depicted either parent spanking the children through the years. Is this a parental behavior recently developed or did TLC edit the spanking.

A program that once appeared ``real and unscripted`` is now turning out to be selective and hypocritical.

I have 3 children. When children act up and are told more then once to stop and they don't then they need to be punished. Whether by time outs, take aways or spankings. It's the parents choice. It doesn't matter if the Gosselin's are on tv or not. It's not anyones business how they discipline there children. Those paparazi's have nothing else better to do then bother people. All children grab there butts after a spanking. They do this because they are embarrassed and they got corrected. i bet all those who complain about spanking are the ones who spank the worse. those who complain are those who are guilty of doing it them selves thats y they complain. Leave the gosselin's alone. if u don't like what they are doing don't watch the show.

There is nothing wrong in spanking your kid when it is really necessary to discipline.
But that also depends on how you do it. Looks like Kate did it too hard...
And lately she shows her aggressive side more and more often, towards her kids, dogs, and husband.
Sometimes I ask myself a question - does she really love her kids? I don't think so...
The show should be discontinued, and Kate should seek a professional help.
Otherwise her greediness for money and so called "celebrity status" will ruin everything what’s left.

Kate slaps her kids all the time, she freaks out at the dogs, she fumes at her crew, she sulks with Jon, she plays all kinds of nasty uptight self centered games because honestly, this woman is a mess. She needs psychiatric help.

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I completely agree with Marina, she spanked out of anger and did it too hard and hurt the child you don't react to anger when raising children she also pulled her dress up to make sure that the spanking would hurt. The women is a mess of emotions that she cannot deal with oh and greed which is what she is living her life for. Her priorities are so out of whack I feel so terribly sorry for those children. What worries me more is when her show gets cancelled due to her out of control behavior and the money train comes to a hault what those poor children will go through then. Think how angry she will be when that happens

Why doesn't anyone acknowledge the good things she's done? The fact that she gives them organic food for every meal and the fact that she takes the time to sing Happy Birthday to EACH CHILD shows she's a good person.

People act like parents don't hit their kids. If I was Kate, I would have punched Mady in the face and taken a piss in her mouth, but that's just me. A spank to the butt is nothing. The only thing I wish is that Kate hits Mady because that child is a blitch.

Leah is cute....

She should have beat Maddy! That little girl needs some major mental help. Maybe Mom and Maddy can get a two for one special at the psychiatrist!!!

I think it is ridiculous how this is being blow out of proportion. I don't agree with "beating" but I think she was simply disciplining her child like all mothers have to do sometimes. We'll never know the real story and unless that child has some bruises and shows signs of a "beating" then we should leave it alone. This woman does need to get her kids off this show though, it is tearing apart their family.

In response to Robin, you should have your license revoked and your degree, from whatever crappy school you went to, torn up. "Whippins" may cause a child to have a negative association with a behavior, but most importantly they teach kids that it is acceptable to react to anger and problems with violence. The vast majority of accredited psychological studies have shown physical punishment to be damaging and far less effective than non-physical consequences for bad behavior. I work with children as well and I have never needed to resort to abuse to prevent kids from misbehaving. I was also a victim of abuse as a child and only learned to live in fear and constant anxiety that I would do something that would warrant a punishment. You are sorely mistaken in your philosophy on child care and I pity any children that have the misfortune to attend your facility. You should post the name of your business so that the parents of those kids have full discloser on your practices.

To Frank:
Organic food every day and singing happy birthday to each child
does not mean real love. Where is kindness? There is none. Kate’s
dealing with kids reminds me of army…- no hugging or kissing or even
simply kind intonations. Only barked orders. That’s terrible!

While I agree that Kate turned into a materialistic diva and ruined their family, I REALLY do not agree that she was abusing her daughter. True, they never used to spank their kids and I was surprised but my initial thought was, "OH, COME ON!" I agree that the stress was probably getting to Kate and I don't think she plans to do it again.

PS. The ONLY reason the police were called to the Gosselin home that day because there were so many paparazzi people there! Obviously the stress was getting to her.

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